Life in 1920 was completely different than it is today. Many of the jobs that existed back then no longer exist today. Do you ever wonder what you would be doing if you lived back then? Find out below.
How unwavering and incredible the loyalty of dogs can be is proven by helper dogs. They are not separated from their owners even upon death. To pay tribute to these wonderful animals, we have prepared a photo gallery where you can see these faithful helpers.
As you probably know, NASA recently discovered seven planets that are remarkably similar to Earth. The US space agency is now looking for names for them, and you can help them. We would name the planets in the Trappist-1 system Grumpy, Giggle, Sleepy, Doubtful, Sweetheart, Earful, and Know-it-all, after the seven dwarfs from the timeless tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. What suggestion do you have?
Far from Trieste, Ljubljana, Vienna and Venice, under the shelter of the river Tolminka, one of the top 10 reggae festivals in Europe takes place every summer. Overjam Reggae Festival 2017 will take place this year from August 16 to 18, 2017: that's when the best foreign and domestic reggae artists will take the stage. Tickets are already on sale.
Will you be joining the thousands at the start line of the Wings for Life World Run 2017, the fourth consecutive global running event? This year, the world for those who can't will run on May 7, 2017. Last year, we ran 1,255 million kilometers of hope and collected 6.6 million euros in donations. Can we beat these numbers this year?
Photographer Claus Lucas, unlike other photographers, did not put classic models in front of his photographic lens, but rather live models were replaced by Barbies and Keni. And a series of erotic photos Sense of Guilt was created, which will make you feel as uncomfortable as watching a David Lynch movie.
The goofy anti-hero Deadpool is returning to the big screen next year in Deadpool 2. This too will be R-rated due to profanity and gory action scenes. Watch the first trailer for the much-anticipated sequel.
Vas že nekaj čas ni bilo pošteno strah? To se bo po ogledu filma Zbeži! (Get Out) spremenilo. Film, ki je navdušil na skrivni polnočni projekciji festivala neodvisnega filma Sundance, zdaj prihaja tudi na reden spored. Srhljivka, ki ni tipična predstavnica svojega žanra, mojstrsko stopjuje napetost in občutek, da nekaj ni v redu.
Marikateri programmer grew up with programming and has it in his little finger. Not Masako Wakamiya, but at the age of 81 she can easily compete with them. Get to know the incredible story of this unusual pensioner.
That the world is full of beauty probably doesn't need to be explained in particular, does it? In all our haste, people seem to forget where we live. Take some time today to watch this wonderful video. Then look around you and feel the beauty of our Mother Earth. Don't worry, it will only take you 2 minutes.
Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn during sex? How many times have you shoved a carrot into your vagina? How fast did you penetrate? How long did the sex last? How many different positions have you taken this week, month, year? How successful are you compared to others? The i.Con smart condom serves you with all this information.
Harry Potter fans, rejoice! This August, a real Hogwarts is opening at Herstmonceux Castle in East Sussex, UK, where you can learn your wizarding skills!