But whatever trouble is waiting for us, the people of Butal, the coprnice and all the other inhabitants of the Butal area are already preparing to drive it away. Between February 23 and March 1, it will be time again for the biggest holiday in Cerknica, oops, Butala, carnival. This year Butalam will be ruled by flukes. Carnival in Cerknica 2017 once again promises a week-long frenzy, which will be enlivened by traditional carnival characters and musical guests.
Did you know that there is a fitness center for dogs in Slovenia? It is called Fitko and is located in Žalec. It is the first gym of its kind in our country. Here the dogs can maintain their condition and prepare for the show, and they are also helped to heal after injuries. It is open to purebred dogs and mixed breeds.
Manchester by the Sea is a gripping drama about a working-class American family dealing with a series of personal tragedies. The story revolves around a reclusive Boston janitor, Lee, who is given custody of his nephew after his brother's death. Kenneth Lonergan's independent film is a festival favorite that has already won a number of awards, and the 2017 Golden Globes could throw some more at it, with five nominations - for best drama, best actor, best supporting actress, best director and best screenplay.
Have you ever wondered what the slogans of famous brands would say if they were really honest and didn't plant flowers? Then you will definitely come to your account in this post.
In addition to new obligations, 2017 also brings fresh adventures. For many, the best adventure is certainly a trip to a popular or yet unvisited place. The pulse of a big city, trying interesting street food, meeting new people and learning the basic phrases of a foreign language are just some of the good sides of exploring our planet. While traveling, it is also good to learn something new about the (local) culture. Read on for the best exhibitions of 2017, worth a trip to the other side of the world.
Tina Maze, the best Slovenian alpine skier of all time, will publish her biographical book Jaz in February 2017. Tina. (DZS publishing house) in which she will speak openly about her sports career and other things that have marked her life, which is certainly not a fairy tale, as many people think, and as Črnjanka herself points out, "If you are not ready for everything, really everything, you better close the book. Not everything that shines is beautiful!'' we read at the beginning of the novel, which began as Maze's diary entries.
Child's play with the Chucky doll is back. All horror fans will come to your account again. It is the seventh movie about the creepy killer doll, which was first introduced to the audience in the movie Child's Play back in 1988. The new sequel will be called Cult of Chucky. The sixth part, Curse of Chucky, was released in 2013, and the new chapter should be ready by Halloween, i.e. the end of October 2017.
The year 2017 has barely begun, but the announcements of promising events are pouring in on us and making our cold and working days more beautiful. One of the long-awaited events is certainly the 11th International Mountain Film Festival (2017). It will take place from February 20 to 26, 2017 in Cankarjeve dom. You are welcome.
If you like to know what you're getting into before watching a movie, then you know how important it is to read the book before watching the movie adaptation. And the year 2017 will serve up wonderful films based on literary ideas. Here are 13 must-read books before they become movies.
Queen Elizabeth II. he is a mighty 90 years old! She has outlived 18 prime ministers and 15 US presidents. The popular Queen gave her fans a scare this Christmas when she reportedly came down with a bad cold, forcing her to miss Christmas Mass at Sandringham Estate for the first time in 28 years. She also began to shift her responsibilities to other members of the royal family. Some are so afraid that the end is coming faster than they would like. So what will happen when the queen dies?
LG unveiled the ridiculously thin LG Signature OLED W 4K HDR TV at CES 2017. The paper-thin TV measures a mere 2.57 millimeters in thickness, which is less than the thickness of a finger! It's so thin it doesn't really work on the wall. The 65-inch TV weighs only 7.3 kilograms, and a 77-inch version will also be available in the future.
This ad was not shot by adidas and will not be used for their promotional purposes, although they should. The veritable masterpiece was filmed by German students Eugen Merher, and tells the story of an aging and emotionally numb marathon runner who lives in a retirement home until he discovers his old Adidas sneakers and feels a passion for life again.