A new sports incentive in autumn and spring brings 10 all-Slovenian tournaments in indoor soccer, united under the name Živjo, football. In the digital age of smart devices, football is still the leading sport that brings friends together to meet and combine the pleasant with the useful. Pivovarna Union is realizing its vision of encouraging sports and socializing with the new project, which is why every recreational sportsman or sportswoman can register for 10 indoor soccer tournaments across Slovenia. The winners of the tournament will be able to watch the 2017/2018 UEFA Champions League match live.
Which actress would be better than Anastasia Steele? The casting of the lead actress for Fifty Shades of Grey, which recently got its first trailer for the hot sequel titled Fifty Shades Darker, has been raising dust since the beginning. The choice of the producers could never satisfy the tastes of all passionate fans of the erotic book series, but despite everything, we in our editorial office looked through the acting range and selected actresses who, in our opinion, would be better in the role of Anastasia Steele than Dakota Johnson.
Do you also have the feeling that you always get in the wrong line and then watch helplessly as the people in front of the next ticket office move faster? It's a problem we face every time the store is crowded, and then we always pretend that everything is conspiring against us. This phenomenon was also recently tackled by scientists who, based on research, found out which cash register to choose so that your turn will be the fastest.
The Family Sports Day 2016 in Bled is approaching. The third family sports day will take place under the ski resort Straža, where the area is lively even outside the ski season, on October 2, 2016. Entry to the event is free.
Lots of animals have eyes on the side, but after a Reddit user posted a photo of a pigeon with front-facing eyes, it prompted the Photoshop masters on duty to move the animals' eyes to where humans have them. The result will make you laugh!
The 2016 Emmy Awards were held last night. The 68th Academy Awards took place at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles and was hosted by the American actor, comedian and TV host Jimmy Kimmel, himself nominated in the comedy show category (the award went to his British colleague John Oliver). Below, we announce the winners in all the main categories.
Did you know that taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower at night is a crime and you can be fined for posting it on social media? You can only photograph the Eiffel Tower at night if you obtain permission in advance from the operator (Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel). Why? Because the illumination of the tower or the night light scenography is defined as a work of art and as such protected by copyright, which means that according to the European Union's copyright regulation, the permission of the artist or in this case the controller. What about taking pictures during the day? How is it with photographing sights in Slovenia?
Have you seen the trailer for Fifty Shades Darker yet? All those who said that Fifty Shades of Gray was just a one-day fad will have to bite their tongues, because the film franchise based on the erotic trilogy of Fifty Shades by writer EL James is destroying everything before it. The trailer for the second film, Fifty Shades Darker, became the most viewed trailer in the first 24 hours. He dropped the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Knowing that the Star Wars space franchise has a huge fanbase both loyal and ardent makes the achievement all the more impressive. Check how many times the trailer for Fifty Shades Darker was viewed in the first 24 hours and how many views it broke the record mark. Did you also help the record?
Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May sat behind the wheel again. We're just a few days away from the start of the first season of The Grand Tour web series, produced by the former Top Gear motoring team, which has completely reshuffled the ranks after Jeremy Clarkson lost his mind once again and forced his employer - the BBC - to fire him. But Clarkson did not stand idly by and, with his former partners in crime, Richard Hammond and James May, began preparing a new series, whose godfather is Amazon. All the fans of the legendary team will come to your account again on November 18, 2016, when The Grand Tour comes to computer screens after a long wait, which will be broadcast weekly on the online program Amazon Prime. And for a taste, here's a hot trailer.
After the presentation of the new iPhone, Apple received a lot of criticism for the iPhone 7 model. Some will say that it is justified, while others will say that there is always dust behind a good horse. Anyway. The fact is that many people are furious that they removed the headphone jack and introduced wireless AirPods at a rather salty price. These quickly became the target of ridicule. After popular host Jimmy Kimmel found out if iPhone users even recognize their own phone -- turns out they don't -- Julius Dein treated people to Apple's new headphones. Instead of real ones, he used toothbrushes as a test. People were excited.
A shovel is not exactly an attractive product to advertise. It's just not as photogenic as a perfume bottle. But that didn't stop the Slovenian company Rinz, which shot an attractive promotional spot to promote its Efekt Pro e29 shovel, which innovatively promotes the versatility of their shovel with an ergonomic handle for working with less bending. With a Volkswagen Caddy, they drove onto the crossing of two shovels and started drifting. Do you think they destroyed the shovels with this? Check it out in the fun clip.
During the Vienna Days in Ljubljana, from September 19 to 23, special and slightly different souvenirs related to the city of Vienna will also be available to visitors.