Spanish photographer Emilio Jiménez focuses on the female body in an evi costume in his series of photographs, "Anatomía natural, salvaje", whose intimate parts are covered by the shadows of leaves instead of a fig leaf.
The tattoos of the New Zealand tattooist Jasper Andres are an interweaving of (complex) geometric characters and natural motifs that slowly merge into one another and almost trick us into thinking they are watercolor paintings.
A flash mob is a group of people who, in a public place, perform an unusual and unexpected action for random passers-by. This time it was directed by Dacia Duster cars. In the middle of Ljubljana (at the parking lot of Tobačna Ljubljana) and Zagreb, they danced a choreography to the Queen Another One Bites The Dust song, which sounds like Another One Drives a Duster. Check out the Dacia Duster Dancemob, the world's first flash mob with cars.
We all have our moment of weakness, and that moment can be bittersweet. It's no different with stars and celebrities, they're just people after all. So what are the biggest "disgraces" of the world's biggest stars?
The Beatles are a musical phenomenon that no generation escapes. Their music is known by young and old alike. They are undoubtedly the most important and successful music group of all time, as they were a real hit machine. Eight Days A Week – The Touring Years is a documentary film about this legendary British group from Liverpool, signed by the legendary director Ron Howard, and it reveals many details that we did not know about the Beatles until now.
I love you, I don't love you, I love you, I don't love you, ... Great Britain has decided that it no longer loves the European Union. Love died after 43 years. Time will tell what this means for the European Union, the euro, the markets and everything else, but we prefer to look at how the internet has treated Brexit.
Custom cakes are a great way to surprise someone in a sweet way. But when you place your order with the pastry chef, it's important to give him crystal clear instructions on what you want, otherwise you might end up with a cake like these unfortunates ended up with. See what happens when pastry chefs take cake instructions too literally.
Meeting your dream guy, the guy you want to marry, is not easy. Many girls have a long list, and on the list they want qualities that are supposed to distinguish the man of their dreams. But the man of your dreams cannot be planned or bought. We have to be in the right place at the right time. And then we must feel that this is it! However, certain qualities in a man should not be ignored. If your boyfriend has these qualities, you can just marry him.
At Euro 2016, the round of 16 starts tomorrow. Although it's hard to take your eyes off football, every now and then live cameras catch stunning beauties in the crowd, the hottest cheerleaders at Euro 2016. According to users of various social networks, the hottest fans of Euro 2016 are Albanian women.
You know what are the musical hits of summer 2016, which will be crawling out of your ears at the end of the summer, but you will still be singing them anyway? Every summer he puts out songs that in one way or another mark the hottest months of the year. If the title of anthem of the summer 2016 was already awarded to Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling, this summer will serve up many other hot hits that will go down in history. Here are the top 10 songs of summer 2016.
Tom Cruise returns as Jack Reacher, a former military police officer who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Jack Reacher: Never Go Back) is a sequel to the action blockbuster Jack Reacher from 2012. Although the literary hero (the film was based on a book from the book series by Lee Child) is a giant, short Tom Cruise, who looks nothing like Reacher from the book, despite his lack of height and muscles, he once again justified his role as an invulnerable action hero.
The saying goes that we can choose our friends but not our family. Unfortunately, luck was not in favor of some. All families have problems, but there are families that have conflict and abuse written in their genes. Here are the 10 most dysfunctional celebrity families.