A picture is worth a thousand words is probably one of the most used phrases. But even if it sounds like such a cliché, it holds true in many cases, and the historical photos that you can see below are the reason that someone once coined this kind of phrase.
Killing without punchy one-liners in movies is like bread without salt. This gives the scene added value. See the most memorable movie scenes that wouldn't be if they weren't accompanied by the famous words of Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis, Eastwood, Ford and other (action) heroes.
Which genuine Slovenian swear words in a literal English translation do you know?
Similar to how countries tackled tobacco products and in their anti-smoking legislation required tobacco product manufacturers to equip cigarette boxes with anti-smoking signs (some also require explicit photos) - on cigarette boxes in our country we find signs such as Smokers die younger, Smoking kills , Smoking causes cancer -, Salvo Glinsky took to social networks, which he says are the new cigarettes, because we are as addicted to them as we were to smoking 50 years ago.
The first performance of Illusions is coming to the City Theater of Ljubljana (MGL), during which we will get all the answers to the following questions. What is true love? How do you know if you've experienced it? When to think about her, if not in moments when you know for sure that death has knocked on your door? And what is the most important thing to say to a loved one in the moments when you are leaving them forever?
Cafe Society is a romantic comedy drama directed by Woody Allen, which will open this year's Cannes Film Festival. This is the third such honor for this American director, and just as many times Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg, who starred together in the films Lunapark (Adventureland) and American Ultra, fall in love in the film.
Although we find most advertisements annoying, similar to mosquitoes, and we (at least in Slovenia and the capital) only accepted the appearance of citylights with difficulty, there are cases when we welcome this kind of advertising. A good example is The Mosquito Killer Billboard, which mimics the scent of a human to attract Zika-carrying mosquitoes, trap them, and never let them go.
The premiere of Camillo Daint-Saëns' great French opera Samson and Delilah is approaching. It will be staged for the first time on May 13, 2016, in the great hall of the Slovenian National Theater (SNG) Maribor in co-production with Opéra-Théatra Metz Métropole.
Monuments are primarily made for a commemorative or other symbolic function. They are dedicated to persons, events, animals, objects, etc., which they directly or indirectly worship. But not the statues that you will meet below. What their purpose is is not entirely clear, but if it is not to scare passers-by, then the sculptors did not do their job well. Check out 18 of the scariest monuments in history.
Do you keep procrastinating and prefer to postpone obligations? Enough. We have prepared tips for overcoming duty avoidance. Here are 8 science-backed ways to avoid procrastination.
Facebook knows a lot. It knows what you are interested in, it knows what you would like to buy before you even realize it, it knows who your (future) friends are, and much more. Also what you will post on the wall in 10 years! Curious about what you'll be publishing in a decade? Click on the article in which we reveal how you can peek into the future with Facebook.
Coca-Cola is getting a new, unified look. The packaging of famous bottles, bottles and cans will receive a makeover. It is the last phase in the unification strategy of the brand, which will give their different drinks a unified look, but of course we will still be able to easily distinguish them from each other. Since 1982, when Coca-Cola sent its derivatives to the shelves in addition to classic Coca-Cola (at first Diet Coke, followed by Coke Zero and Coke Life), all drinks had their own design, but from now on they will all speak the same design language. The connecting element will be the red disc.