Criminal is a tense action thriller with an intriguing story. It revolves around an ethically questionable project by the US government, which implants the memories, abilities and secrets of a deceased CIA agent (Ryan Reynolds) into a condemned criminal (Kevin Costner) in order to complete an important mission and prevent a catastrophe of global proportions.
As the curtains fall and the Oscars wrap up, the stars find themselves at one of the most coveted parties in town. At that time, the media company Vanity Fair, in collaboration with the photographer Selinger, embarks on a project to create extraordinary portraits of celebrities, which this time for the third year in a row are enthralling the Internet.
Levi LaVallee is a professional snowmobile driver who, among other things, holds the world record for the longest jump with a snowmobile, and is also a regular participant and collector of medals in the extreme X Games. And what daring has he prepared for us this time? Instead of walking along the white slopes, he ran right through the city, casually jumping from building to building.
The urban gladiator 2016 adrenaline spectacle will take place on March 20, 2016 in Portorož. Participants will make their way over obstacles all the way from Lucija to Piran. At last year's premier event, as many as 700 hardy daredevils took part in the adventure event, working their way through themed obstacles in teams, such as jumping over fire, climbing through mud and over a wall, and jumping in sacks.
iMom is a short film that will make your hair stand on end. And not because it's a horror film or a horror film in the genre sense of the word, but rather an eerie prediction of our future, when technology, here we mean mainly humanoid robots, will begin to take over basic human roles, such as parenting or raising children. Babysitters will soon become obsolete, and surrogate mothers will step in like robots. Are you afraid of such a future?
Meet the penguin who swims 8,000 kilometers every year to visit the man who saved his life. Dindim is the most loyal friend of a Brazilian fisherman named João Pereira de Souza. They met on a Brazilian beach in 2011, where his 71-year-old husband found him covered in oil and on the verge of death. De Souza cleaned him up and cared for him until he fully recovered. And the story of eternal friendship was born.
A-ha, a Norwegian band that is one of the biggest pop groups of the 80s, will perform in Vienna's Stadthalle on April 10, 2016 as part of their Cast in Steel tour (this is also the name of their latest album). Tickets are already available.
Coming to Vienna is one of the currently fastest growing music stars in his electronic house genre and a musician who has broken and is still breaking records on the music charts with his hits such as Firestone and Stole The Show.
Lady gaga hairstyles can hide from the choppy hairstyles of these kids. Would you have hairstyles like this? Hairstyles for which not only mountains of gel or spray are not enough, but also mountains of creativity and almighty objects that can be found anywhere but in the bathroom? Abroad, especially across the pond, once a year schools have Crazy Hair Day, when parents let their children express their wild side through their hair. And then there are hairstyles that you won't be able to marvel at.
The rules for conquest and dating used to be completely different than they are today. Today we're flirting with screen skating. Glancing across the table today is liking photos on Faceook. The traditional "questioning" on the first date has been replaced by Googling and browsing social networks. Pretty crappy if you ask us. But it doesn't have to be that way. Women are turning to dating apps because men have lost all sense of conquest. Do as your grandfathers did, and hope for chivalry will be restored to women. Check out how your grandfather conquered women.
These are the most expensive purchases of all time. From the feather of an extinct bird and a parking space to a yacht made of pure gold. These are the things unknown buyers have shelled out the most money for in history! What would you buy if money were no obstacle?
Sports photographer AJ Messier took extraordinary black and white photos of surfers riding imposing waves in Hawaii. After seeing these photos, you too will be tempted to take a surfing lesson this summer and head out to ride the Hawaiian waves in the future.