Filming has recently begun on Fifty Shades Darker, the long-awaited sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey, based on the book by EL James. The sequel sees the return of both main characters, Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, who already shared a tender kiss under an umbrella during the opening days of filming.
The richest man in the world is an old acquaintance of the Forbes list of the richest and remains firmly in the saddle. In its latest report, the American magazine Forbes also notes that there are currently 1,810 billionaires in the world, who have a total fortune of 6,480 billion US dollars. Only 190 of them are women.
Cute dogs make us smile. The golden retriever Wesley will have to suffer a little longer for his smile. 6-month-old Wesley got braces because of problems with his teeth. You read that right, braces. She is now an internet sensation with her charming smile.
Hide and seek is a timeless game that will always be popular with children, as it has a very special appeal. We played it at home, in kindergarten, at school, on the playground. Check out photos of kids who can't hide and seek, but are sure they've found the perfect hiding place. If you had an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter, you might really miss them, but we can see them from afar.
Mother's Day is a romantic comedy from veteran Garry Marshall with an all-star cast. It features the queens of this genre themselves. Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and Kate Hudson, and if you throw Britt Robertson, Jason Sudeikis and Shay Mitchell into the mix, I have the perfect romantic movie to satisfy all of our appetites.
Enrique Iglesias is a musician who needs no special introduction. He is one of the most recognizable male performers in the last two decades. As part of the "Sex and Love" world tour, in May 2016 he will also stop in our immediate vicinity, in Zagreb, where he will be hosted by the Arena. Tickets are already on sale.
What do you have to do in your 20s to become a millionaire by 30? The desire to become a millionaire at such a young age (or at any time) seems quite unrealistic at first glance, but you can greatly increase your chances of becoming a millionaire by doing the following things beforehand…
Precious Cargo is an action film in which Bruce Willis, synonymous with the action hero, plays the villain. Although he is an exceptional actor, his career has been hot and cold in recent years, as a great project is usually followed by a slightly worse one. We will have to wait until April 2016 to see where the "precious cargo" belongs, but judging by the trailer, it promises a lot of action and good fun.
The 2016 Oscars are upon us. The 88th award was marked by Leonardo DiCaprio, who won the Oscar after six attempts, and the boycott of many black actors and actresses. But you already know all that very well, but you don't know what were the most liked photos on Instagram during the Oscars 2016. And the title for the most liked Oscar photo on Instagram goes to…
Druga Godba is a constant star on the music scene, as Druga Godba 2016 will be the 32nd version of this international festival, which will once again be held in Ljubljana, this year from May 26 to 28, 2016. The list of performers will be varied this time as well and in the following we reveal to you all the most important names that will fill your ears with great music in different locations in May.
Know someone who can never make up their mind? Are you the eternal tinkerer and hesitate in everything and don't know what exactly to do/choose? Many people resort to flipping a coin, but if you don't like that method, we have a bunch of other things in store for you that will take your fate into your own hands and decide for you.
The 88th Academy Awards were held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. Spotlight was declared the best film. The best actress in a leading role is Brie Larson (The Room), and the best actor is Leonardo DiCaprio (The Returner). As a director, he once again celebrated Alejandro González Iñárritu for the film The Returner. The Oscars were hosted by Chris Rock.