After decades of debate about Barbie's harmful, unrealistic body type, Mattel has finally decided to change its famous doll. The Barbie family is thus richer for three new body types: petite, tall and curvy. Each Barbie doll is also available in different skin colors and hair styles.
Nano is a girl who claims to be a cat. The 20-year-old says that she has been a cat all her life, but that she realized this when she was 16 years old. As doctors discovered, she was born with a genetic defect, so today she walks around with artificial cat ears and a tail and acts like a cat. That's why he sometimes hisses when he sees a dog and hates water. He says he has a heightened sense of smell and sound and can see extremely well in the dark. Hear the incredible story of a Norwegian woman, the real-life Catwoman, who claims to be a cat trapped in a human body.
Is this the most photogenic potato in the world? The photograph of a potato on a black background entitled Potato #345 by the Irish photographer Kevin Abosch was sold to an unknown businessman from Europe for one million euros!
If in 1960 the first woman who wanted to become an astronaut was rejected at NASA, today women are writing a new history of flights into space. Half of NASA's future astronauts who have trained at the training center for the past two years are women. Will they also become members of the first human expedition to Mars?
Until now, we could only express our opinion (with comments) on Facebook by liking the content, but in September Mark Zuckerberg shook the social network with the news that Facebook is introducing emoticons, these reactions ("Reactions"), which will join " "like" and offered users more possibilities of expression. The emotes have been tested by users in Ireland and Spain over the past months, and will be available elsewhere at the end of January. Do you like the news or would you rather "yayali" it?
Patagonia includes the southern parts of Argentina and Chile, and because of its location, it is also called "the end of the world". A magical and mysterious landscape with unimaginably beautiful nature opens up there. This also convinced the famous British photographer Andy Lee, who captured this landscape in photographs.
The traditional Dragon Carnival will take place in Ljubljana on Shrove Saturday. This year's event will be dedicated to Ljubljana as the green capital of Europe 2016 and will be named "In the garden" in the spirit of the green year.
A few days ago, people on the Portuguese island of Madeira were stunned when they were greeted by the 'Hand of God', as they called the unusual cloud formation in the sky. Photos of the dramatic cloud, which were published online by blogger Rogerio Pacheco, quickly circulated on the Internet, and the cloud, in addition to the nickname God's hand, was also called the Fiery Fist, the Comet, etc. Is the cloud the work of God? The result of chemtrails? Conspiracy fans have come to their senses again.
Every now and then we come across people on the web who (at least) seem to be living their dreams and our dreams as well. Many times it turns out that the truth is completely different and much darker. That leaving your job and venturing out into the world with no money and no serious plan, just with a great deal of positivity and a desire for adventure and embracing life by the full spoonful, is unfortunately not enough. But the exception that proves the rule are two travelers from Poland who traveled halfway around the world on 8 dollars a day!
The National Gallery in Ljubljana has finally been renovated. For the first time, all three building parts of the Gallery are united, a new permanent collection, a new cafe by Robb's well and a gallery shop await us. From Thursday, January 28 to Sunday, January 31, 2016, there will be open days at the National Gallery.
Two people have as much as 99.9 percent of the same genetic material. But a large part of our DNA is not only shared by humans. It will shock you when you find out who you are with. Darwin's theory that man has more in common with apes than with other mammals seems quite "mild" to man in comparison.
What would Marilyn Monroe look like today? The young photographer Daniel Sachon asked himself this question and with the help of model Suzie Kennedy (her last name is just a coincidence), who is a cutout of Marilyn Monroe, he created a series of photos of this greatest film and pop culture icon of all time, if she were alive in 2016.