Slovenians are pushing the boundaries again! Did you know we sent our product to Mars? We sent something that can be found in almost every household. Guess what?
Murat & Jose are preparing a hip-hop concert in a fresh setting - On Thursday, January 28, Izštekani will perform outside the Vala 202 studio, namely in Ljubljana's SiTi Teatr BTC. The situation will be reversed this time, the host and author of the cult show Izštekani Jure Longyka will be their guest this time, and the musicians will present their latest single "Tko k vdih" and a new music video for the piece "Nekineki" in addition to the stripped-down versions of the pieces from the two previous albums.
Some women are well aware that true beauty is timeless. That way, they don't waste money on various artificial devices that are supposed to help them maintain their youth. They age naturally and in style. They were captured by photographer Ari Seth Cohen.
Freckles. Once they were ashamed of freckles. Women from the upper class hid from the sun's rays (the sun accentuates facial freckles), since before the 20th century freckles were attributed to the lower class. Today the picture is completely different. Freckles are becoming a real fashion hit, and Brock Elbank's photo series #Freckles draws attention to their beauty.
Carol is a romantic drama by Todd Hynes based on the novel The Prince of Salt by Patricia Highsmith. The story is set in New York in 1952, and the cameras focus on a young photographer and her relationship with an older woman going through a stressful divorce. Although time is against them, the attraction between them is stronger than social norms and prejudices.
The flower shop invites all carnival maskers to join them for the traditional carnival on February 6, 2016, when fairy-tale characters, superheroes and other masks and costumes will be entertained by the ten-piece disco-funk band Xequtifz, and the musical gaps will be filled by a local DJ. The evening will be rounded off by a selection of the best masks, with rich prizes waiting for them. Do you already have tickets for Disco Karneval 2016 & Xequtifz?
Do you know what kind of pornographic content we searched for the most in 2015? A look at the list of searches on adult websites reveals how perverted our sexual fantasies can be. The most popular porn website has revealed our dirtiest thoughts of 2015.
Playboy's Evolved Mansion Is For Sale! Every man has ever wanted to be in the shoes of Hugh Hefner, the father of Playboy magazine, and walk around his Playboy mansion, which was always full of bunnies. Now you can even own it! But for this you will have to dig deep into your pocket, because a dizzying 200 million dollars must be paid for a property with more than 1,800 square meters and a spicy history! Attention, the price does not include bunnies, but you will have to live with Hefner! The contract has an interesting clause.
The House of Cards series is in its fourth round. Kevin Spacey returns for the fourth time as Fran Underwood, a Democratic politician who is as corrupt and ruthless as we all suspect they are, but at the same time as capable as we all wish we were. Check out what Frank and Claire have in store for us in the fourth season of this original Netflix series, whose service is now, by the way, also available in Slovenia.
Instagram has a new obsession. Hot guys with pussies. The hotdudeswithkittens profile is a sort of logical successor to the trend of hot dudes with dogs, which obsessed users, or especially female users, of Instagram not long ago. Ladies and girls, get your diapers ready.
As part of Rapetka, a monthly hip hop event that traditionally takes place in Gala Hall (Metelkova), this time, on February 3, 2016, the famous rapper duo Mobb Deep is coming exceptionally to Cvetličarna, who gave us the cult song Shook Ones Pt. II of one of the most legendary hip hop singles in history. The hip hop event of the decade, not to be missed! Tickets are still available.
Free State of Jones is an American historical drama based on true events from the darkest period of American history. So stories from the time of the Civil War continue to be a fertile field for filmmakers. Director and screenwriter Gary Ross was drawn to the story of Confederate soldier Newton Knight, who deserts and starts a rebellion against his former "employer". The extraordinary Matthew McConaughey, who last left his mark with the films Interstellar and The Sea of Trees and the True Detective series, took on the role of a real-life hero.