This year, Kurzschluss, the festival's pop club, will come to life in a new location. In the completely "transformed" Glass Hall at the Economic Exhibition Center, we are expected with an exceptional program framework and a fresh charge of creativity. For this year, Kurzschluss announces more than ten exceptional evenings of international stars of electronic music, cult Slovenian musicians, and in addition to the opening evening, the celebration of Christmas and the longest night of the year will also have a special feature.
We immediately associate intimate time with sex. But who says that spending free time with a partner has to include a sexual act and that this act has to be considered as quality free time? Of course, sex plays a very important role in a relationship, and it's good to have a healthy sex life. Sometimes, however, it is also right to spend our intimate time with our partner in a way that merely teases our senses and we are happy just because we can have him by our side. Here are ten "sexy" activities that we should do at least once with our partner. In this way, we will be more connected again, and at the same time we will realize the value of our partner and appreciate the time he devotes to our successful relationship.
Can we actually become Barbie or Ken? The unrealistic beauty standards represented by Barbie dolls are a point of contention among those who believe that perhaps children should not be exposed to the "wonderful" world of body confidence issues before they learn to speak. But 23-year-old Quentin Dehar and 20-year-old Anastasia Reskoss, who went through many body transformations to slowly turn into Barbie and Ken, don't think so.
Agart art is an international art competition of microbiologists, which took place for the first time this year, and microbiologists had to create their works of art from microbes! The competition was organized by the American Society for Microbiologists, and among the most interesting works we can also find a replica of Van Gogh's Starry Night, "drawn" with bacteria! And yes, the picture looks as phenomenal as it sounds!
"Hello" by Adele, pa-pa Taylor Swift. This is how we can comment on the news that Adele became the owner of the most watched video in the first 24 hours on the world's leading platform for music videos and entertainment content Vevo. The British singer, who released a new video for the first time since 2011, dethroned Taylor Swift, who reigned there with the video for the song Bad Blood, which had 20.1 million views in the first 24 hours in May, and the new record mark is 27.7 million views.
Marine litter is a global problem and seriously threatens the coastal and marine environment around the world, including here. They are not just an aesthetic problem, they are a serious threat to fish, seabirds, reptiles and mammals, as well as to boats and the coast, so calls for responsible waste management are getting louder. Art, which has always been a channel or means for reflection, criticism and awareness, has also lent its voice to strengthening the ethical attitude towards the environment. Washed Ashore, an American organization, drew attention to the issue with massive sculptures made entirely of marine debris.
Relationship and friends, do they even go together? We all know at least one person who, after getting a partner, was no longer overlooked. All of a sudden she didn't have time for coffee anymore, not to mention that she stopped attending group friendly meetings. Since we believe that this "classic situation" can be avoided, here are tips on how to keep your friends in a relationship.
First of all, congratulations to everyone who successfully completed the Ljubljana Marathon. Hats off, I would say Srečko Katanec. For many people, just reaching the goal seems like a big achievement, and it is, but don't blow it out of proportion and don't tell your colleagues and acquaintances about it for the next three weeks! Unfortunately, bragging has become a part of everyday life and this satirical video shows us how annoying this exaggeration can be.
Jane Got a Gun is an upcoming American Western starring Oscar winner Natalie Portman, last seen as Thor's scientist and love interest in the Marvel sci-fi film of the same name. This time, she's not dealing with forces from a parallel world, but with a cruel gang of outlaws who are threatening to kill her, her husband and their young daughter.
Check out how to get better at chatting. Because it doesn't matter if we're on a first date, at a work event or in the company of a friend's friend - connecting with someone you just met is never the easiest task. Still, there are ways to get better at chatting—even when we feel like we have absolutely nothing in common with the person we've just been introduced to, or find ourselves in the middle of an awkward silence. Here are 10 ways to get better at chatting…
The richest man in the world is no longer Bill Gates. Forbes magazine announced that the Spanish billionaire Amancio Ortega, known to most as the owner of the popular brand Zara, beat the father of Microsoft and became the richest man in the world.
Today we're going to share with you a technique that will help you be productive in the morning, at the start of the day. It's a technique that makes us feel like we've only read half of a suspenseful story, but now we can't wait to turn to the next pages and read the sequel. It may sound strange, but it works. So what's the path to a more productive morning?