Kim Welling is a Dutch artist who solved the puzzle of how to give an experience in the most imaginative way possible. Namely, she designed charming boxes from matchboxes, which comfort us with tiny 3D messages that we discover inside them.
It's amazing how some rock star kids are cut out parents. The similarity in these cases is more than obvious, as these children are pure copies of their famous mothers or fathers. Check out which kids have a hair resemblance to their rock star parents.
There's a good reason why in the midst of our chaotic and frantic lives where we don't even have a minute to spare, we take the time to watch a movie. They offer us a parallel reality in which we lose ourselves for a moment. They give us inspiration, give us something to yearn for, something to strive for, and when we're in a bad mood, they're simply a medium that puts us in a good mood. For those days when you feel like everything is going wrong, let these 25 heartfelt movie quotes remind you that life really is quite simple.
The exhibition "Rodin in Meštrović's Zagreb" opens today, May 5, in the Zagreb Art Pavilion. The exhibition will present seventy works by the famous sculptor Auguste Rodin, including his most famous works such as "The Thinker", "The Kiss", "The Gates of Hell" and "The Bronze Age". is a new website from Microsoft that tries to guess your age based on a photo. The matter could not be simpler. You select the photo you want and the website will use facial recognition algorithms to determine your age and gender. Yes, we know you know how old you are, but who doesn't want to check out how old Microsoft thinks we are. You'll be checking others anyway. Definitely a fun way to kill time.
They say the zombie apocalypse is just around the corner, but if you look around a bit, it's been here for a while. Looking at the crowded streets of major cities, it sometimes seems that the walking dead are walking on the sidewalks instead of people. Such people have already become known as zombie pedestrians, as they walk without a sense of direction, and their attention is focused on the smartphone screen instead of what is happening around them. This is just one of the proofs that we have become addicted to smartphones.
Let's check what good things await us at this year's Youth Week festival, which will paint Kranj with the colors of youth for the 21st time in a row!
While most of us know the facts about the explosiveness of the male orgasm, some still dream of not knowing how the female orgasm actually works. Let's watch a video that breaks the myths about the female orgasm with fun experiments and explains everything we ever wanted to know about it in a few minutes.
Although we have already stepped deep into 2015, some accounts for 2014 are still coming. The latter was "broadcast" by Billboard, the famous music chart that has become a measure of musical success in the modern era. This is still difficult to define, but also to measure, since the influx of musicians also comes from many other, non-musical sources. The list of the biggest music earners in 2014 according to Billboard is made only on the basis of income from songs, albums and performances.
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that not everything is always smooth sailing. Far from it. There are times when you and your partner run into obstacles, when things go sour, and not every relationship has a happy ending. In A Relationship is a short film by Sam Boyd, starring Dakota Johnson from Fifty Shades of Grey, that illustrates in a beautiful and heartbreaking way what it really means to be in a relationship.
Europe Week is traditionally colored with free events, and it culminates on May 9, when we celebrate Europe Day. In 2015, it will be under the sign of food, which is increasingly becoming a link between the local and the global. If anyone, then the taste buds will come into their own, and of course there will be no shortage of workshops, lectures and exhibitions in Ljubljana and 11 other places in Slovenia, so that even those hungry for knowledge and not just food will be satisfied.
This year, Jarun will host the InMusic festival 2015 in Zagreb for the tenth year in a row, thus celebrating a decade of incredible crowds and perfectly coordinated "line ups" at one of the biggest indie rock music festivals. This year we will be able to dance to the sounds of the British Placebo, alternative rockers Death Cab For Cutie, exceptional vocalist Florence + the Machine, classics Franz Ferdinand, synth pop artist La Roux and post-wave crew Future Islands.