Between April 17 and 21, the contemporary performing arts festival EXODOS will take place in Ljubljana for the 19th time. This year's edition of the festival will take us to the Black Continent under the title Future Archives: Focus on Africa.
Here is. Trailer, the first trailer for the 24th James Bond film, Spectre. As is usual for Bond films, this one also promises many twists and surprises, on which they will try to keep the "confidential" mark until November 6, 2015, when the film starts in cinemas around the world, despite the trailers, so that it will not be shown before viewing. the film is all but an open secret. The first trailer manages to do this by leaving a lot of room for interpretation.
Are you wondering what life is like for astronauts up there on the International Space Station (ISS) where there is zero gravity. How they deal with everyday things, such as washing their hair and teeth, eating, how they sleep, etc. We have collected a bunch of entertaining and at the same time educational videos, which were sent to us 402 kilometers below the Earth by the astronauts themselves.
On the second weekend in April, Pogačarjev trg in Ljubljana will once again host the popular culinary event Pivo & Burger Fest, with beer and burgers in the main roles.
Katarina Čas is currently our hottest acting name, as she diligently plays roles in foreign films with star casts. One of them is the sci-fi film The Rift, the first curtain of which recently fell in Belgrade. Dejan Zečević is directing the film, which is being produced in a Serbian-Slovenian-Korean production, and the Časovi company is made up of two other well-known names - the Serbian star Dragan Mićanović and the legend of American TV series Monte Markham.
Blue sky, the smell of pine trees, the sea and... engine oil. The pleasant sound of waves and… an airplane engine? That's right. We are in the right place. After the canceled race in the Olympic Sochi in Russia, the Red Bull Air Race returns to Istria in picturesque Rovinj with a dizzying air race. Are we ready for another adrenaline weekend in the air?
Are you interested in how women's exercise has changed over the past 100 years? Then Benenden Health's 100-second retrospective video '100 years of fitness' is perfect for you. From graceful stretching, because it was unbecoming for a woman to sweat at the beginning of the 20th century, to today's energetic and sweat-filled wiggle.
Since 2007, March 28 has hosted Earth Hour, an environmentally sustainable campaign, when the lights around the world turn off for 60 minutes at 8:30 p.m. local time. With this move, individuals, countries and local communities draw attention to the necessity of fighting climate change. It is a global initiative organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in which everyone can participate.
One of the most respected local bands, Dan D, will present their first studio album, DNA D, after six long years, on April 1, 2015, at the opening of the Ljubljana Orto Fest at Orto Bar.
Some time ago we wrote about the service Dicks By Mail, which anonymously distributes gummy candies in the shape of a penis. With the service, you can deal with it in a similar way, not the person in question, but the logo, for example. your competitor or brand that gets on your nerves. At, they will give him a phallic transformation.
Animals often surprise us, because they are able to create friendships that we would never expect. We are even more moved when they fall asleep together with their unexpected friends.
Matthias Jung is a designer who, with the help of surreal collages, conjures up a fantasy world dominated by structurally completely impossible houses.