The best erotic novels - only for naughty girls who are 18+!
What are the sexiest series you can watch right now? Ps: Always have a cooler nearby, because these batches are hot, hot, hot!
You will experience romantic, mysterious love, the kind you find in the arms of books.
How to properly prepare chestnuts if we use a grill, if we use an oven or a pan and how to prepare them in a microwave oven?
Since the beginning of the turn of the millennium, TV audiences have been treated to this golden age of television (at least that's what some experts think). In other words: television has never been so good, nor so smart. The series is no longer 'distinguished' only by vulgarity and nudity, but also by telling complex stories that rarely end with a smile on your face.
Make your favorite hot beverage (tea, hot chocolate, etc.), make some popcorn, light a scented candle, put on your coziest clothes, pull on a warm blanket and take a break from all your responsibilities and worries with these timeless fall movie classics that we can't wait to see, to see them again!
There are many reasons why humans fall in love, but some we would never even think of.
A walk through the center of Ljubljana has a very special charm. Both for tourists and locals. And the next time you decide to explore the Romanesque city streets, be sure to turn to Gornja trg.
October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On this occasion, the Slovenian yoga brand Melon & Lime joined forces with the German charity Yoga for Cancer in a unique online charity event: Pink October Yoga, a day of yoga for a good cause.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "Happiness lies in the small conveniences and pleasures that occur every day, rather than in the moments of great sudden happiness that rarely occur." Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden rank among the happiest countries in the world. With an emphasis on balance and connection, each of these countries has developed its own way of life. Millions of Scandinavians enjoy a healthy work-life balance, high standards of living with less pressure, less stress, while having more time for everything they enjoy and love to do.
Restaurant week autumn 2020 will take place between October 9 and 18, the price of the menus will be 19 euros. In the best-rated restaurants (3 and 4 hearts), the price will be (maybe) 25 euros, just like in the spring.
The organizers of the Stellarbeat festival, the largest electronic festival in our country, will launch a new project in the virtual world in October, the Aurora audio-visual gallery, where they will serve monthly LIVE broadcasts.