This year, National Geographic Traveler evaluated over 18,000 photos submitted to its competition, where Slovenian photographer Marko Korošec won the first prize with his apocalyptic photo. However, this was far from the only photo contest this year, which was astounded by the participation and photos. We have presented quite a few of them to you over the years, but with such a crowd, some winners were unfairly eliminated, but now they are getting their place under the sun. We present to you a selection of the best winning photos of 2014.
After years of rumors and intrigue, the HBO series Entourage is finally getting a movie version that wraps up the story that has been unfolding for eight seasons. Gathering the entire gang in front (Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven) and behind the screen (Mark Wahlberg, Stephen Levinson, Doug Ellin), the action is set six months after where completed the series in 2011.
In 2014, dance music continued its mission, ignoring the boundaries that once divided it into regions, genres and fans. We have compiled a list of the top ten electronic music albums, which in 2014 gave us the feeling that they continue the well-defined path of the artist or bring something fresh.
The Kafetarna cafe has reopened its doors in the Trzin craft zone. The door to a refreshed atmosphere, where in addition to intoxicatingly fragrant coffee and high-quality teas, we are also served with crispy sandwiches and delicious pies.
As people did once upon a time, now we still create various statues and sculptures of people, our "idols", who have achieved something important in their lives and therefore we want to immortalize them in their most characteristic poses of strength and posture. But everything doesn't always go as you would like, so get ready, because we have prepared for you a selection of the most terrible celebrity statues in the world.
On the Goodreads page (a part of the Internet where bookworms of the world gather), readers vote every year for the best books in various categories - from detective stories to poetry collections. Goodreads Choice Awards 2014 thus selected the 20 best books of this year 2014 for all tastes, genders and ages.
Although the trailer for Knight of Cups is rather cryptic, which is to be expected from director Terrence Malick, it seems that both Christian Bale and Natalia Portman have brought some psychological darkness (and richness) to it from their previous films, Bale from Batman and Portman from Black Swan, through which they make their way to the meaning of life and love.
In the Ljubljana National Gallery, from January 15 to April 5, 2015, we will be able to rest our eyes on the exhibition of French Impressionists entitled Painting in Normandy.
How do women deal with their success? How can they combine careers and caring for their families while maintaining a varied social life? These are the questions that swarm in the minds of many women, as well as men. We have prepared a selection of five autobiographies of successful women from the world of the fashion industry and film, which you simply must read.
At the end of January, Žalec becomes a real pilgrimage center for all percussion lovers. The largest and only Slovenian international percussion festival BUMfest 9 will take place in Žalec from January 23 to 25.
Every now and then we accidentally get a photo that says more than the author of the photo wanted to say. In other words, our brain forces us to interpret. The gallery in this article is a test of your virtue, or a test of whether you see what those with slightly more depraved minds than average see.
Erik Roner is one of the most famous extreme BASE jump "artists", who loves heights and challenges them with his knowledge of skydiving. This time he made a simple flying device and flew quite high.