The first trailer for the upcoming spectacle JURASSIC WORLD has arrived. The latest sequel to the fourth part of Steven Spielberg's cult film saga has been in the making for an incredible fourteen years, and is coming to the big screen in June 2015.
The viral state of the internet is at its peak when a video surfaced that is so cute that we simply have to share it with you. It is an ideal motivational drug that puts a smile on the corners of your lips during moments of well-deserved rest.
Slovenian DJ, musician and producer, DJ Umek, who entered the scene as a pioneer of techno in Slovenia in the 90s and was nicknamed "Fotr" by his audience, will perform on December 19 at Kurzschluss.
The album cover has always been a means of expression and a canvas reserved for a work of art, which can be as multifaceted as the music it "represents". It is therefore bound to the content, but at the same time a medium independent enough to live independently, which is why, like a book, an album cannot be judged by its cover. Let's take a look at which music albums left the biggest artistic mark in 2014, but we'll talk about the music some other time.
The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table has been known for centuries, but the legend of the stray dog Arthur and the Peak Performance team was born recently, at the Adventure Racing World Championship, which this time took place in South America, in the embrace of the Amazon, the Andes and the Pacific , where the conditions are really bad. Perhaps that is precisely why the four were joined by a stray dog, who followed them not only for the last two stages of the 700-kilometer test, but also back home to Sweden.
From November 27 to December 30, Maribor will turn into a very special Fairy Town, as this year's festival full of magical adventures in the city's streets, courtyards and squares begins. The festival is dedicated to the youngest, as well as to all of us, our inner elves, who, with the help of connection and cooperation, weave new stories.
Maybe it's because we were inspired by the recently released film Interstellar, or maybe it's just because we want to escape to other planets these cold days - we've put together a selection of ten science fiction movies that every real man should know. Are you among them?
Bikofe bids farewell to Židovska cesta with a retrospective exhibition, which will be accompanied by an excellent musical DJ line-up from November 25 to December 25.
Pole dancing often has a negative connotation, usually due to questionable origins, but Karo Swen showed the world what pole dancing really means.
While One Direction's new song will make the fairer sex kneel again, Ben Howard will warm us with the pastel colors of summer. No, winter won't tear us apart and we won't have a battle with it, because good music will make sure that warm days one, two, three are here again.
"People, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing!" Although these elderly people seem innocent and completely dignified on the surface, you will quickly realize that they are wearing t-shirts with completely inappropriate and very offensive inscriptions.
In the pop industry, most hits are limited to a typical three to four minutes. This is evidenced by legendary hits and the top three hits of the moment. Why this is so, below.