The author's comedy of five renowned actresses and mothers, titled Moms, is intended for all Slovenian mothers, those who will soon become one, and all men who would like to witness a real "grandmother's party" once in their life. in the SiTi Theater from October 18 onwards!
Some time ago, the streets of Ljubljana were brightened up with unique billboards, with which Cockta collects rainwater. This week, however, a green oasis in the form of an urban Cockta garden grew in Ljubljana's CityPark shopping center with the help of collected rainwater. It is a more environmentally friendly art installation that, in the spirit of creating new possibilities from already used products, draws inspiration from recycling, "upcycling", urban gardening and self-care. With its unique communication, Cockta remains unique, from now on in a bottle made of 50 % recycled plastic.
The 2ndSkin design competition, in collaboration with the most popular herbal liqueur in the world, is looking for a casually refreshed design that will convince the expert jury with creative design, thoughtful choice and the right amount of self-confidence. The winning design will adorn as many as 10,000 bottles of the cult bitters, which gives young creators an exceptional opportunity for a noticeable appearance both in Slovenia and abroad. Applications are open until November 30, 2014.
We all agree that teamwork requires a certain amount of patience and mutual respect in the workplace. But what happens with large cooperations, e.g. when filming movies, TV series, commercials, where a large number of people participate and the ego of the "employees" can skyrocket, deadlines are chased, and the fees are not proportional to the amount of work invested? A fire breaks out...
You might have already thought it was Photoshop. That's why we tell you right away that it's not possible. It is a series of photographs by Dream Gray Malin, who painted real sheep in rainbow colors with harmless dyes. Part of the profit from the installation will be donated by the artist to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
The autumn months are the months that we like to use for running activities, either for intensive training or simply for social gatherings. Pleasant Salomon CITYTRAIL™ running gatherings are taking place in Ljubljana every Wednesday this autumn, with the aim of discovering new hidden running routes, where we explore the narrow streets of the old city cores, secret underpasses, try out as many different running surfaces as possible and take advantage of the various terrains available in the city available.
This year, the 15th Student Arena, is preparing many useful lectures and other activities for young people. The aim of the event is to encourage the additional education and creativity of young people and the acquisition of new knowledge.
On October 6, an exhibition of the works of the still-living American sculptor Robert Gober opened in New York's Museum of Contemporary Art, MoMa. The retrospective entitled "The Heart is not a Metaphor" is full of legs, sinks, doors and other motifs that are a constant in his oeuvre and that, due to being taken out of context, make him one of the most intricate artists of our time.
When designing product packaging, it is a good idea to adopt the well-known carpentry rule: "Measure twice, cut once", so that the manufacturer avoids the awkwardness that you will witness below. Why? Because the packaging of a product, especially a product of everyday use, has an impact on how customers accept the brand's product and, based on it, decide to buy it. We know examples of good practice, so let's look at how not to do it.
"Two chefs, two recipes, great price" is the slogan that succinctly accompanies Lidl's culinary project Tomaž vs. Mate. What is it all about? The Slovenian chef star Tomaž Kavčič, who impresses even the most demanding guests at Gostilna pri Lojzet at Dvorec Zemona, and the Croatian Mate Jankovič agreed to a very special gastronomic experience. Since September of this year, they have been entertaining us with unique culinary duels, which we can follow (on Lidl's website) in the form of advertisements, recipes and cooking tips.
The well-known Tibetan Buddhist monk and Nobel laureate has always taught us the importance of human values such as self-discipline, forgiveness, compassion, happiness, peace and love. The Dalai Lama describes himself as just a simple Buddhist monk, and it is this simplicity that makes his lessons so sincere and instructive.
We will ask for turnips in the micro snack bar on Gornji trg, where from Monday to Thursday they serve warm minestrone and crispy snacks, on Fridays they offer a hearty lunch, and on the weekend they round off the offer with phenomenal burgers.