The entertainment collective Stiropor strikes the first blow into the new season. At the same venue, where the organizers closed the festival at the beginning of the summer, this weekend they are starting a series of monthly club events, which will take place in various locations around the city, regardless of genre.
What does the movement of our planet sound like? Saša Spačal and Ida Hiršenfelder decided to research and show the sound produced by our planet at the Skorja exhibition in Portal Kibla in Maribor.
It's not that some week we don't have a portion of "fresh" videos of only the best selected music, but this week we have something really bad. As always – something for every ear.
Everyone has their favorite celebrity, maybe even an autograph. But this is not enough for everyone. Unfinished meals, used toilets, and even celebrity teeth are being sold on eBay for astronomical prices. We've picked out some of the most bizarre celebrity-related items on eBay.
A lion is not exactly a common pet, as it is not exactly known as an animal that can be tamed. But Tippi Hedren, star of Hitchcock's The Birds, and her family chose him. In 1969, when Tippi was filming a movie in Africa, she and her husband noticed an abandoned house that lions had taken as their home. Upon returning to America, she and her husband decided to make a film about this experience, with which she wanted to draw attention to their danger.
The leather trend has returned this year even stronger and more powerful than the previous autumn winter season. If last year leather details were in the foreground on pieces of clothing, this year leather has stepped through the front door, so we offer you some of the best combinations of the quality of wearing a leather skirt.
The world's leading photography competition once again brings the realm of magical scenes of nature and wildlife. Let's take a look at the most beautiful photos of the National Geographic 2014 contest.
Even if they emphasize that "any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental", Welcome to New York is more than just a recapitulation of the sex scandal of the ousted director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominik Strauss-Kahn, with fictitious people. Director Abel Ferrar has equipped the Shakespearean character, played brilliantly by Gerard Depardieu, with a sick appetite for power, money and sex.
Buying a new pet? Before you choose, see if you happen to like one of the most expensive animals in the world.
We all know how clumsy Mr. Bean, so he was perfect for the role in the Snickers advertising franchise ''You're not you when you're hungry''. After Betty White, Joe Pesci, Aretha Franklin, Liza Minnelli and Joan Collins, British comedian Rowan Atkinson has joined the series of stars.
If Tardar Sauce is known to everyone as the "grumpy cat", then the angriest cat in the world, Garfi, may just be the "angry cat". The fluffy cat ball of anger comes from Turkey together with its owner Hulya Ozkok.
Be careful when viewing the most beautiful parts of the world of nature, which have experienced an autumn beauty transformation. Looking at them takes our breath away.