Evening habits are much more important than we think. Namely, the quality of our sleep depends on them and, consequently, how the entire next day will unfold. Read what successful people like Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Vera Wang do before they go to bed.
Ljubljana is a city we can be extremely proud of. Especially as far as the gastronomic offer is concerned, since lately it is difficult to choose a restaurant, bar or bar from the colorful selection in which to enjoy Sunday brunch.
What if Facebook dominated the world - even more than it already does? What if this all-powerful social network existed during the years of MC Escher or Salvador Dali and served as their inspiration? For an eerily beautiful answer, we strongly recommend viewing the dark illustrations of Paweł Kuczynski.
The year is around the corner and the most joyous event for families is coming back to town. Entertaining and educational content, workshops, performances and much more await you at the Gospodarski raštavišče. This is the Children's Bazaar.
You've probably heard of beer with wasabi, bacon and maybe a few other ingredients. However, this is still not (enough) bizarre. We want to share with you some of the most unusual beers for which we or have you ever heard.
Since 1964, the Design Biennale in Ljubljana has been examining the state of contemporary design. BIO 50 brings 11 thematic groups.
People often don't see who we really are or how deep we've gone. We feed on illusions, so sometimes we have to adjust the mirror to overlook. Or the photos we're setting this time for all sushi addicts to realize that things have gotten out of hand. We understand that sushi is phenomenal, but too much is too much.
Children are one of the most gratefully ungrateful subjects of any photographer. When it comes to family portraits, they are like unruly stubborn people, but they are born for photos that make us smile long after they were taken and like to embarrass us when we grow up. There are as many of them on the web as you can shake a pear at, and we will look at some of them below. Do you have one that you would like to share?
Angelina and Brad revealed photos of their wedding celebration to People magazine. Angelina's signature Atelier Versace wedding dress was complemented to perfection by a light veil decorated with paintings of their children.
For you too, a real morning doesn't exist without a "steamy" cup of coffee? Welcome to the club. The smell of coffee has a greater influence on many people than the Moon, as it is one of the few things that, like Sirens, lures us out of bed to start the day. It is the second best-selling product in the world and raises the eternal question of whether drinking it is harmful or beneficial? AsapSCIENCE looked at how it affects our brain.
Screenwriter and animator Marius Vibe set out on a mission to solve one of the most interesting questions - what would happen if you put the most beautiful women's faces together?
Have we heard of the concept of reuse? The principle is simple, let's just look at what we throw away or recycle and try to reuse it all. In a different, innovative way. And it is precisely the latter that the NOWAstE collective does.