The famous American host Jimmy Kimmel has managed to do something that even NBC has not been able to do. He returned the popular series Friends to TV screens. Although in a slightly reduced form, the replica of the New York apartment of Rachel and Monica and the trio of girls was enough to fill at least some of the void that was left when the show said goodbye in the 90s.
It's not all about grades and education. This is proven by famous and successful people WHO did NOT finish school or complete the formal part of their education, but found themselves in a different way in life.
Let us "shock" you with the news that Hello Kitty is not actually a cat. Don't be fooled by the ears, mustache and "Kitty". So who or what is hiding behind the cat's mischievous look?
Oh, one last holiday weekend, bathed in summer sunshine and refreshed by a light autumn breeze. So that it doesn't blow away the madness too quickly, let's make sure that we remember this August weekend for the hedonistic shenanigans. Film, music and, above all, active ones are promising!
Even animated characters are no longer safe from the Ice Bucket Challenge. Simpson Homer also joined in supporting the ALS campaign, but he got an unpleasant surprise.
Talented Slovenian actors Ajda Smrekar and Klemen Janežič played the main roles in the new Slovenian feature film Path to Paradise directed by Blaž Završnik.
We also eat with our eyes, so sometimes we spend almost more time decorating the food than cooking. And not only the food, the 'background' is also important, i.e. the placemat that, like eye mascara, emphasizes the dish. But if the photographs from TQ Lee's "Inedible" series are 'edible' from an aesthetic point of view, they are definitely not from the edibility point of view. That doesn't mean they're safe to watch on an empty stomach, but now that you know the secret, you might just be able to keep your drool under control. Unless you're into rubber, plastic or cellulose.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the results of a 15-year survey of global alcohol consumption. Among the 25 countries whose inhabitants like to drink a glass (too) much, our Slovenia took 23rd place. The prize for the drunkest country goes to...
Ever wonder what workaholics like Oprah do on the weekend? Do they take a break? Last time we checked, it was still only people, so the answer is yes. Everyone should be able to cut through work. But what the hell are they doing not to be affected by the Monday blues and similar annoyances that accumulate on our souls like dust. To begin with, they cut the umbilical cord of the work week on Friday.
Are you interested in how to season or how to bring a little more life to smartphone photography? Then you've come to the right place, because the following tips and tricks from professional photographer Lorenzo Holder will make even the most interesting apps you have loaded look uninteresting compared to the world that will open up to you after watching this video.
Photographer Patrick Hall from South Carolina came up with an idea that some of us might consider a bit cruel: he put people in front of his lens who were shocked by their friends with an electric stun gun that has 300,000 volts. A series of portraits and time-lapses, "The Taser Photoshoot," was created that reveals thousands of different facial reactions of people who have been electrocuted.
Fridays - every woman's blessing and curse. Beautiful shoes that visually lengthen our legs and add some confidence and inches are the weakness of most of us. But why is it so tiring to wear them?! We present you 6 tricks on how to wear heels without pain, because you know what our grandmothers used to say: you have to be patient for beauty.