In 2012, the Polish photographer Izabela Urbaniak started creating the dreamy series of photographs "Summertime", which depicts idyllic children's holidays in the countryside.
Illustrator Mike Frederiqo took on an interesting project in which he drew the founders of fashion brands in the form of their logos. Can you imagine Coco Chanel wrapped in the famous Chanel logo? He also played with musicians and big names in the world of fashion. Look how he did it.
According to Forbes' prestigious list, the highest paid DJ in the world is the Scottish master mixer Calvin Harris, who has been sitting on the throne of the world electronic scene for some time.
This year has undoubtedly been very successful and busy for actress Chloë Grace Moretz. The newest drama If I stay with a young actress in the lead role is coming to Slovenian cinemas on August 28.
If most of the first drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) were in the service of the motherland, today's 'youth' prefers to stay on the sports fronts, where just as much, if not more, action takes place than on the battlefield. And when the drones are not in a military uniform or a sports jersey, they are trying on something else, such as shooting fireworks.
On the last Saturday in August, the third branching competition will be held at the highest point of the Krvavec ski area. The Mountain Wake Jam event will reunite two seemingly completely different concepts - wakeboarding, which is associated with the sea and summer and the mountain environment.
Marija Tiurina, who creates computer games during the day, illustrates for her soul at night. This is how a series of fun illustrations was created, showing the 7 deadly sins of cats. But she also added her own, the eighth.
Swedish melodic death metal band In Flames is starting this year's tour right after the release of their new album. On October 27, Swedish metal rhythms led by singer Anders Fridén will lift Vienna's Gasometer hall into the air.
Dušan Tomić - Dule is a stand-up comedian, improviser, animator, interpreter, mime and theater technician. He is a multi-tasker who makes us laugh to tears. For several years in a row, he has performed at Panč, the stand-up festival, and at performances throughout Slovenia. He skilfully shows us a mirror of the current state of society, makes us laugh and makes us think. His jokes are not on the first ball and it is the latter that gives him his own stamp of originality.
Children are an indicator of our 'health', a litmus test of healthy relationships in the family. And we are not defined so much by how we react when the child is being diligent, but when something slips up on us. Whether he jumps in puddles, dips his fingers in the toilet bowl or draws on anything other than a sheet of paper. One mother was recently put to the test because her child scratched her wall. And her reaction? Check below.
All about the weather this summer. This weekend will be no different, but if we're going to complain about gray and unwanted clouds, let's at least do it in good company. In any case, it will not be missing at pleasant events, which, after all, cannot be so easily driven away from the rain.
In 2002, director Richard Linklater came up with an idea for a film project (for ), which has never been seen before: for the next twelve years, he will gather the same group of actors in front of the camera once a year and create a story about a growing boy and his family.