Iceland is so unearthly in some places that they even practiced landing on the moon. It's as if she was plucked from another planet and sewn to Earth. Geysers, hot springs, volcanoes and glaciers are a popular target especially for photographers, as the photographer Sarah Mertinet learned on a recent trip, who captured the land of fire and ice from the air.
Every house has its own story, its own scars of time. Facades and shapes are architectural records of time and, if we know how to observe, they are a true vademecum of the pulse of a place. Although countless other stories are hidden behind the facade, which the colors and curves skillfully hide, the appearance still stands out more than a book cover.
On the last Saturday in August, the 13th Party with a Reason will take place in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park. Umek, one of the best DJs in the world, will traditionally encourage young people to charity. Charitable funds collected at this year's Party with a Reason will be allocated to Employment Clubs, which help young people find work and increase their employability. So don't miss the mega party and take part in a raffle that, with a little luck, can brighten up your summer.
Celebrities are supposed to be unique because of their beauty, uniqueness, talent, character. What if we told you that many of today's celebrities have doppelgangers who lived decades, even centuries ago? And that these doubles came from the ranks of playwrights, actors, criminals, psychiatrists, scientists, even presidents?
Even if you do everything as we will advise you below, it can happen that your sleep will be sabotaged by the very thing in which you place the most trust, i.e. your body. "Et tu, mattress!" That's why, with simple tips, ensure a better sleep and a more restful night.
Between August 27 and 29, the third Slovenian edition of the K3 International Short Film Festival will take place between the hall of the Slovenske Kinoteka and the Metelkova museum platform.
Flowers and blossoms, delicate doves, lace and frills and other delicate decorations are the main stars of the Lady Things photo series, a series of portraits of women and their femininity.
With its strategic position, Slovenia is definitely not an elephant in the porcelain trade, as European metropolises are within reach, so it is no wonder that the Ljubljana Hotel Slon will host the first international Bitcoin conference. Half a decade after the creation of this digital currency, which offers fast transactions and minimal transaction costs, between September 11 and 12, many global experts from different backgrounds will gather in our capital with their visions of Bitcoin.
Good news for everyone who has ever played an instrument, still plays it, or even plays music professionally: today, thanks to the research done by many scientists, we can say without hesitation that musicians are more intelligent than people who do not play music . The reasons why this is so are extremely interesting, but the fact is that real fireworks happen in the brain of musicians when they play an instrument.
Marketers are smeared with all the "frogs" and have the psychology of the consumer in their little finger. If they were masters of seduction even before the crisis, it forced them to perfect the skill for their own survival. With imaginative and elaborate tricks, as well as quite dirty tricks, they catch us on their hooks in the muddy water of capitalism. And let's not pretend, things are not randomly arranged in stores, because there are no coincidences in stores. You will see.
Gone Girl, directed by David Fincher, tells an intriguing mystery story that unfolds under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy. The film is coming to our cinemas in October, until then, check out the trailer.
The artist Frida Kahlo was born and died in the month of July. Therefore, summer is probably the right time of year to look back at the life, words and quotes of one of the most respected Mexican artists and find inspiration in them.