The thought that at the end of life's journey we all have the same station, we like to push away in our everyday lives. But some famous people have also died with style and humor, as evidenced by our selection of their meaningful last words. You can decide for yourself whether they are true or just the fruit of legends.
Especially if we know that a picture is worth a thousand words. But anyway. Judging by the number of followers, you would think that it is a famous person. But no, Rober Jahn is not a well-known face, but he is the face behind the camera and the processing of the photos that he publishes on Instagram, which took his name under the pseudonym Nois7 from the world of anonymity.
Park Tabor will be happy again this Saturday, because from 10 am to 6 pm we will be able to happily bargain, exchange, sell and above all socialize. You are invited to Park Tabor for the 4th Garage Sale!
Summer is like ordered for fruit. With its juiciness and freshness, it is a natural air conditioner for our overheated and dehydrated bodies. And, if we add to that the fact that it takes care of our health and appearance, it simply cannot be missing from the menu. But even if we know the fruit until we visit or to pedestrians, but this does not mean that we know how to enjoy it properly. Well, I don't mean when, but especially how.
The colorfulness of the Pisana Loka Festival does not exist only in the name, but mainly in the program and its diversity. So we invite you to take part in ten days of colorful events, because this year in Loka you will be able to feel that authentic festival vibe.
If you find typical romantic comedies "too sweet", we suggest you check our list of unconventional romantic comedies, which with a different approach will charm even the sworn enemies of this genre.
The words leftist and rightist have had a rather negative connotation ever since they came into the hands of politicians. But let's wave our hands - right or left? - at this definition and rather focus on the real problem of leftism and rightism, which is not political, but biological in nature. In a world tailored for right-handed people, it's not easy for left-handed people.
Years do not come to him alive! Leonard Cohen will celebrate his 80th birthday next month with a new album, Popular Problems.
Paul Mawhinney, a former record store owner in Pittsburgh, has been collecting records for more than 40 years, and by last year had accumulated about three million records. Among them, many that were just crowding the shelves and could not find buyers even at ridiculously low prices. Although it is an heirloom in dire need of a digital record, Paul did not find a buyer for a long time. Until the music omnibus was bought by bus magnate Zero Freitas.
Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams died today. According to a Marin County police report, he committed suicide. Robin has struggled with depression and drug problems in recent years.
The beginnings of adrenaline rides date back to the 17th century, in Russia, and the wagons were first placed on rails in France in the 19th century. 131 years ago, we got the famous "Gravitational Pleasure" railway in New York, where the "first hand-held" cars "crushed" at a speed of 10 km/h. Yes, you read that right, 10 km/h. Which is nothing compared to the speeds they reach today. And where in the world can we find the craziest trains? In America, of course!
One of the most successful writers of all time, Stephen King, gives us some tips on how to become a good writer. The author Stephen King is one of those writers who knows how to attract millions of readers around the world with his stories.