Birdman, a comedy directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu (also known as the director of Biutiful (2010), 21 Grams (2003) and Amores perros (2000)), will open the 71st Venice Film Festival on August 27.
This year's Overjam Reggae Festival will impress with a sounding name known to fans of both reggae and pop music for the hits Boombastic, Angel and It wasn't me. In addition to Shaggy, who is coming to Slovenia for the first time, Tolmin will also be rocked by Chronixx, Dub Inc, The Skints, Zion Train, Macka B, Luciano and Train To Roots.
The Ballerina Project is a 14-year-long project by New Yorker Dan Shitagi, who captures the beauty of the dance movements of elegant ballerinas in a completely unexpected environment: on the relentless streets of the world's capitals.
Breastfeeding is not 'high fashion', and as actress Olivia Wilde says, it's "the most natural thing in the world". This is proven in the September issue of Glamor magazine, where she is seen breastfeeding her three-month-old son Otis in public. Although the first impression may be a little strange, as she is dressed in a glamorous Cavalli creation and wearing Prada shoes, the photo has a depth and breadth that embraces all sides of the woman, from the motherly to the sexy.
Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the greatest football virtuosos, but he is not only known for his skills on grass. Aside from trading girls as jerseys, he's also the face of many non-football brands. Let's not only stick to the ball and the girls, but also the money. And since Ronaldo is banking on his seductive smile as much as his abs, he's probably landed a role in two bizarre Japanese TV commercials.
The franchise that launched Channing Tatum to stardom is back for a fifth season. This time with the subtitle "United Powers". There is power in style and friendship, which we could already see in the previous works, and even in this emotional 'dance', these are the only real steps that lead to the realization of dreams. But just as some dance moves are not easy, neither is the transition from local to the world stage.
Among the many interesting events at the Ljubljana Festival, one of the highlights will certainly be one of the most famous musicals - Evita.
If you, too, come across your wedding photos or your parents' wedding photos while browsing through old albums, you will surely laugh in a rush of nostalgic emotions when you see wedding outfits that no one would wear today. We also fell for it when we saw some vintage wedding photos of famous celebrity couples.
Matt Reilly is a Brooklyn-based skater and artist who combined his passions live at New York's Mana Contemporary Museum of Modern Art.
They are like a white crow. They are rare, but they testify to how humans and animals are different. Animals kill out of need, people out of greed, so videos like this knock on our conscience and remind us of the humanity that animals sometimes possess more than we do. Just look at this bear in the Budapest zoo, filmed by a Slovenian family, how it saves a drowning crow, which is surprised that it took all its feathers away.
As many as 18,000 photos were submitted to the National Geographic Traveler magazine, but the cream of the photography competition was picked up by only one, the Slovenian storm chaser Marko Korošec, who proved with a photo of a stormy supercell that our small size is not a prison cell that keeps us from for the world to notice us. Even though such international successes are a rare phenomenon, even more so than the weather phenomenon that brought him victory.
The Carniola festival returns to Kranj. For the twelfth time, it will offer visitors more than thirty events with its interesting program.