This year you can go to the best festivals in the region for free, with Itak Venom and your friends. There is never a dull moment in Itak Ven! He is impatiently waiting for new crews and crazy summer adventures. He can take you on a road trip to the festival of your choice. Submit your coolest team and convince with words. You know - less hostility, more music. But watch out for the team registration deadline, which is July 7.
The coming weekend will shake from pompous rhythms from all corners of our country, but we will have to overcome quite a few obstacles... Are we ready?
We have a brand new, brand new and completely interesting festival on the horizon - Summer in NUK!
What do you get when you throw your craziest ideas, love of photography and perfect knowledge of Photoshop into the same pot? Martin De Pasquale, the Photoshop wizard, melted the world from his wildest dreams, the world that whistles at many physical laws of the other side, into reflected photo manipulations and thus answered the question posed.
Tunnel, dry sheet, terms for tricks with the ball that require almost artistic skills from the soccer player. Painter Hong Yi, who loves to paint but never with a brush, took ball art literally.
For more than three decades, Metallica has been delighting its fans all over the world with exceptional music, and it will be the same at the concert in Vienna.
Productivity is a skill. It is a skill worth its weight in gold, which helps to put 'resources' such as time, money and manpower to work, with the aim of getting the most return on investment. Running a company is not cat's tears. Whether it is a macro company or a multinational. Unfortunately, success never comes knocking on the door by itself, so tricks and an elaborate system are the only invitations to which he will respond.
You can imagine that you are driving on the road and an electric tricycle in the shape of a soap bubble pulls up in front of you, or a bicycle that can accommodate as many as 8 people, who chat and see the tourist attractions of the city while driving. These are real vehicles that only human curiosity and ingenuity bring to the final product. See you at the finish line!
The living library is a very special library where the "books" are people, and the event opens a dialogue about prejudices and stereotypes.
You yourself have probably seen faces, people or animals in everyday things. Human imagination knows no bounds, and if we know how to observe the world around us, we quickly realize that pearls are everywhere, not just under the surface and in jewelry stores. In order to find them, you don't need to wield a pickaxe, just remove the blindfold from your eyes and your world will open up to you. See the world of Gilbert Legrand below.
The power of words is an initiative of the brand Itak and the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia (ZPMS), with which they want to draw attention to the occurrence of hate speech online among young people. As part of the initiative, the first Slovenian research of its kind on hate speech among young people online will be conducted, and based on its findings, experts will be able to provide possible solutions for achieving a higher culture of online dialogue.
Summer will be celebrated in style at the Gaviola Embassy. Techno legend Ritchie Hawtin will spin the music. Our colors will be represented by Valentino Kanzyani.