It's fun to see animals acting like humans. We found 31 photos of very expressive bears that look like they're thinking or doing exactly the same things as humans.
The first two-week festival of Trnič cheese, which the organizers called "Trnič on every table", will begin this Saturday in Kamnik. The trnič cheese festival is part of the Trnič na evno mizo project, and it will start at the Okusi Kamnika - Podeželje market.
Studio Marvel presents the fans of film adaptations of their famous comics with another adventure about the superhero Captain America, and the plot of the story itself is a logical continuation of the cataclysmic events in New York after The Avengers. Steve Rogers, or Captain America, lives a secluded and peaceful life in the capital Washington and tries his best to adapt to the modern world in which he found himself after seven decades of ice sleep.
Brothers Tim and Žiga Berce have created the board game Tracker, which they are competing for funds on Kickstarter. In just over 24 hours, they collected almost half of the desired funds, and there is a high probability that they will collect more than enough funds to start production within a month. And what is so interesting about the Tracker game?
A quick snack, sunny lunch or evening snack. Welcome to Republica Pasta, which brings unique innovations - a variety of home-made pasta delicacies for on-the-go!
Movie scenes that take place in restaurants are not uncommon in film creations, regardless of the genre. We rummaged through our memories and prepared some excerpts from various films, whose scenes of some restaurants, bars and pubs undoubtedly marked the history of film.
The first of April is coming, the day for all of us who like to have fun and play some kind of prank on our friends, family or colleagues. Here are 23 of the best April Fool's pranks that will work much better than just a classic April Fool's joke. Don't believe it? Check out the cute gallery and get ready for this day of "crazy" pranks today. You will surely find one that will not be difficult to implement.
This weekend it will be hard and proper in the Ljubljana underground cellar K4, because the extremely creative music creator Anja Schneider is coming to the electrified dark room, who will not let us leave the dance floor even for a second.
The April academy will be playfully spring colored. We will include the first spring crops in the dish and season them as in the old days. We will prepare asparagus with thorn and other delicacies.
The story of Zolika designers began with two simple leather bags, made in a small workshop in the Serbian town of Vrbas. Later, it was these two ladies who became the famous queens who took the brand to the wide world of the accessory trend.
Today is a day dedicated to all mothers. These are the wonderful creatures that give us life and lead us to adulthood. Mothers raise us, make us laugh and love like no one else. And that's why we dedicate this article to all mothers.
Alan Ford's comics, originally published in Italy, certainly evoke childhood nostalgia when we spent hours and hours living the suspenseful stories of the unusual characters of the TNT secret society. Social satire, wrapped in a comic veil, was interestingly the most popular in the former Yugoslavia. Based on this phenomenon, Lazar Džamić's book entitled "Cvjejarnica u kući cveća" was created, which was supported by the imaginative graphic image of the designer Vladan Srdić in the special edition.