The film The Past is another intense family drama from the Oscar-winning Asghar Farhadi, better known to us for the film Divorce, in which nothing is as it seems at first glance.
In February, the top Canadian dance ensemble Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal comes to the stage of Cankarjev dom, playing with the interweaving of classical ballet with undertones of modern dance genres.
In the improvisational comedy IGLU hosts one of the most renowned improvisers in the world. Shawn Kinley is coming to Slovenia from Canada.
Have you ever been told you have a doppelganger? We present to you a series of portraits of strikingly similar people captured by François Brunelle.
The film The Wolf of Wall Street, which these days (mainly because of the scenes with the Slovenian femme fatale Katarina Čas) is attracting a large number of domestic audiences, depicts the life of stock market legend Jordan Belfort and his Stratton Oakmont empire. The excellent script, in its pure Wall Street spirit, not only pushes the boundaries of the morally provocative, but also brings an avalanche of juicy vocabulary.
The chain of restaurants follows the vision of living harmoniously with each other, in harmony with nature. So they offer a delicious range of 100% vegan dishes made with love every day.
The 71st Golden Globes have already been awarded, film awards that are considered a kind of preview or a silent announcement for the upcoming Oscars, which will be awarded this year on March 2.
Just like winter enthusiasts, we are waiting for low temperatures and the smell of snow, we are also waiting for the Golden Fox. This year will be the jubilee, the fiftieth in a row.
It's time to build castles again. Not those and clouds, but from snow, in honor of King Matjaž, who sleeps under Mount Peca.
Tonight, January 12, we will find out who are the lucky ones who shone in cinemas this year and captivated the audience the most.
In recent years, mustaches, beards and other facial decorations have become an undeniable trend in men's fashion. That mustaches and beards were not invented by men is proven by an unusual reflection of the animal world. We have selected for you 15 amazing animals that know what this "in" moment is. That's why they let their own mustaches grow. The result is more than excellent. Do you agree?!
Art director Mike Scalise, together with photographer Eric Sahrmann, created a series of unusual portraits of small super "muscles" as part of a healthy pregnancy awareness campaign.