3 days. 140 naked people. 2000 photos. 1 stop-motion film. 1 inspirational message.
Interstellar is an upcoming sci-fi film from director Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the story of a team of space travelers traveling through a wormhole with his brother Jonathan.
A Dutch company is offering the chance to make history as the first human to set foot on another planet – in this case, Mars.
Next Friday, Ljubljana's Tivoli will be full of red Santas, as well as red noses. The latter invite us to the 10th Santa Run and Walk.
Roglab - a factory that makes itself is the name of the exhibition of prototypes of the manufacturing workshop Roglab. Many of them were created this year, the exhibition presents a selection of ten.
You can be the best photographer on the planet with the best camera on the market, but it still takes some luck to get a really successful shot. We selected photos that required being in the right place at the right time.
In addition to snow and Christmas decorations, the Christmas atmosphere is most often conjured by music. At the transport company Amtrak, they decided to brighten up their passengers waiting for the train with a magical piano that can play by itself. This is how one of the best hidden cameras was created.
The end of December will be fun and lively in Črnomlje as well. As part of the Happy December event, they are preparing two concert evenings and an evening of laughter.
The book "The Killer Detail: Defining Moments in Fashion" consists of 120 photographs of influential personalities who in one way or another influenced fashion with their dressing and appearance.
Today's Friday revolves around the singer Beyonce, who unexpectedly released a new album. The Visual Album is already her fifth studio album.
Every year Velika Zaka turns into a real winter fairy tale. This year is special, as they have introduced a new feature - the first mobile ski slope and toboggan run for children's first steps on the snow.
After Linda learned she had cancer, her husband Bob came up with a slightly different idea of how to stand by her side. With pink wings, he embarked on a sincere mission to find the laughing side of life.