In memory of the recently deceased member of the band Orlek, Janez Tori, who played trumpet in the band Orlek for many years, the boys will play their greatest hits. Their music is an original mix of rock'n'roll, a kind of folk punk polka rock. Their concerts are always considered to be something special and...
After the postponed autumn concert, the dynamic trio Kraak and Smaack is really coming to Ljubljana. The trio of music producers from Leiden in the Netherlands consists of Oscar de Jong, Mark Kneppers and Wim Plug. Local Katja Šulc will warm us up with her live act, which will not leave us indifferent. Great musicians on...
The holidays are approaching and the Red Xmas party is with us again. This time, too, we will dance long into the night to the rhythms of top DJs. The great Armin Van Buuren is coming to Ljubljana. A Dutchman who has taken care of thousands and thousands of dancing people, who all agree that his set is a special experience. Armin is currently...
An excellent group by the name of Mildreds is coming to Maribor. The Slovenian-Croatian connection entered the scene in 2006. Already a year later, they won our ears and hearts with the album of old Yugo pop hits, Dust Wipers. They only gave it their own, special stamp so that hits with...
The Katrca inn in Rožna dolina has a long tradition, since 1905. With a thorough renovation, the "old ladies" restored new energy to the walls. With separate rooms, they took care of the privacy of closed companies, which is also useful for business meetings and New Year's parties. They also tried their best culinary...
The Styrian capital is richer for its oasis of excellent wine and small delicacies. At Dveri-Pax, they decided to provide a pleasant atmosphere when trying their top wines, which have won many awards. In the prestigious business center Slavija, in the heart of the city of Maribor, they will be in the company of...
Družili se boste z dr. Majo Lozar Štamcar, muzejsko svetnico in skrbnico zbirk pohištva, svetil, ur in kovine.
Trije kosi pohištva s stalne razstave na Prešernovi bodo služili kot izhodišče za pomenek o slogih, materialih, izdelovalcih, lastnikih in še ...
Odtrgajte prepovedan sadež in preživite nadzemeljsko najdaljšo noč v letu v NYE PARADISE! Na ekskluzivni lokaciji z najlepšim razgledom na mesto in ognjemetom iz prve vrste! Ljubljanski grad v svojem magičnem podzemlju ponosno vabi v klub Goodlife, ki posebej za to ...
Silvestrovo nas znova postavlja pred vprašanjem: naj bo klasično ali moderno? Pri tokratni kuharski akademiji smo se odločili za sintezo s pridihom klasike. Tradicijo, kot so lepo pogrnjena miza, sveče, babičin porcelan, predjed ali dve, bogata glavna jed in za konec šampanjec ter sladke pregrehe smo ustvarjali ...
MUff - an increasingly recognizable, we can say mainstream group, presents its new single entitled "Tvoje Moje", in which it presents a playful and infectious song, with honey vocals, funky guitar and rocking rhythm. Although the song "Naj Sije V Očeh" is still very current, the boys and the singer Senidah...