Don Mentony Band je skupina, ki nikoli ni delala revolucije v slovenski rock glasbi, predstavljala je varen pristan, kjer sta razum in duša spontano podrejena tistemu primarnemu, zaradi česar se je rock'n'roll kot glasba za široke ljudske množice sploh oblikovala. To je glasba z besedili, ki izražajo nekaj ...
The 10th anniversary exhibition of ideas and trends "Prom & wedding highlights" takes place in 5 halls of the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana and offers everything for prom and weddings. Entry is free! Exhibition schedule (January 25-27, 2013): Friday, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. ...
We are starting the 2013 jazz year in Ravne with a concert by the Artbeaters group. The Artbeaters band, consisting of Peter Ugrin (violin), Aleš Ogrin (keyboards), Jan Gregorka (bass) and Anže Žurbi (drums), won first place at the 6th International Jazz Competition in Bucharest, which is part of...
On November 20, 1813, Fran Miklošič was born in Radomerščak in the Slovenske Gorice Mountains. This year we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth. Miklošič's work in the field of linguistics was already appreciated by his contemporaries. This is how Ivan Navratil wrote in the Slovenski Koledarček for the ordinary year 1854: ...
December is the month when we often find ourselves at an unannounced party or even host an unplanned gathering ourselves. The event Natureta's cocktail party in Studio Gorenje thus presented a relaxed form of socializing, where while tasting Dveri-Pax wines we learned how to prepare ten Natureta products...
The first recipe for the "water of life", as they called the strong drink, a kind of precursor to whiskey, dates back to 1494. And since whiskey has been delighting lovers of all things good with its unique taste for more than 500 years, this time you will get to know it more closely and...
Na predavanju o detajlih si boste ogledali približno ducat zelo poznanih slik iz bogate zgodovine svetovnega slikarstva in v njih spoznali detajle zgodbe, ozadja in zanimivosti. Izvedeli boste, kdo so bili prvi paparazzi v zgodovini človeštva, kakšen pomen imajo psi na nekaterih slikah in ...
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