Denmark at the end of the 18th century. The beautiful and educated fifteen-year-old princess Karolina Matilda comes to the Danish court to become the wife of the mentally ill and depraved young king Christian VII. Shortly after the birth of their first child, the free-spirited Johann Friedrich Struensee was appointed personal physician to the king. Struensee, the idealist...
Three lunatics, who seem extremely smart in their own right, rob a poker game going the way of mob protection, causing the local criminal system to collapse. Jackie is a cold-blooded debt collector who is the first to be hired to track down robbers and restore order. When the game becomes too bloody in the search for those responsible,...
Božiček se noče upokojiti, toda takšna so pravila: poiskati mora novega vajenca in ga naučiti vsega, kar za svoje delo potrebuje dobri mož. Najti mora siroto s čistim srcem in le en deček na svetu izpolnjuje vsa merila: mali Nikolaj, ki živi v sirotišnici v Avstraliji in ima bolj kot vse na svetu rad božične ...
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