This time we will meet lovers of Sinatra's evergreen hits such as Fly Me to the Moon, New York New York, The Lady Is A Tramp... The evening will be full of sophistication and excitement, which can be seen in the Mad Man series including selected drinks.. .
The month is approaching, when we will often find ourselves at an unannounced party or even be the hosts of an unplanned get-together. The event Natureta's cocktail party represents a relaxed form of socializing, where we will learn how to prepare thirty for the eyes from ten Natureta products while tasting Dveri-Pax wines...
The exhibition represents a continuation of the exhibition treatment of fundamental museum objects kept by the Slovenian School Museum.
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Že skoraj decembrsko vzdušje bo ta večer v nakupovalni hiši pričaralo Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, ki nas bo z odlomki svojih predstav popeljalo v svet pravljic in domišljije. Posebni popusti nas čakajo na oddelku igrač, oblačil, kozmetike in gospodinjske ...
Ena najboljših pravljic je v letu svojega 60-letnega obstoja dobila novo odrsko različico. Vzroka za veselje nimajo le najmlajši, saj je primerna za otroke vseh starosti, tudi tiste čez 60 let. Koprodukcija Mini teatra, KD Slovenj Gradec in Maribora 2012 nas bo popeljala na zvezdnato nebo nad Zemljo in nazaj ... ...
FREYWILLE and City Magazine are once again preparing a signature event, this time to present the new Spirit of Africa collection. Art historian Špela Janša will present some interesting facts about the patterns, paintings and customs of the oldest continent, which is the inspiration for Frey Wille. Because ...
A new Slovenian film is named after a fascinating natural phenomenon. The ten-member Slovenian expedition climbed, sometimes skied, and named 11 peaks in the hitherto untouched part of the Alaska range. But the film is far from showing only sports triumphs, it also talks about the sensitive mutual relations of a small...
The largest Slovenian book fair is one of those events that not only brings together all publishing houses in one place, but also offers an in-depth insight into Slovenian culture related to the medium of letters. We are talking about musical and stage events, children's events, professional consultations or research into literature in the age of digitalization. Because ...
The month that begins with Day of the Dead and ends with Merry December has been renamed Movember. Gentlemen or boys, we grow mustaches all month to raise awareness of male diseases and prevention, and collect charitable contributions for research and prevention of male diseases, especially prostate cancer. ...
During the week of Japanese culture, we will learn about various aspects of the rich culture. We are talking about haiku poetry, origami making, Japanese calligraphy and traditional clothing culture. We will also be able to see the photography exhibition Japanese World Heritage. This week, Kino Udarnik will also present three Japanese ...