Obiščite Ledeno deželo z Božičkom v Bohinju!Skozi gozd vas bo palček popeljal do njegovega idiličnega domovanja, kjer vas pričaka Božiček. V toplem zavetju koče bo otrokom pripovedoval zgodbice iz svojega pravljičnega sveta in jih pogostil s čajem ter piškoti. Otroke čaka še adrenalinski ...
Veliki decembrski koncert v Celjskem mladinskem centru
v soboto, 8. decembra 2012 ob 20.00,
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FREYWILLE in City Magazine sta v prelepem ambientu slaščičarne Lolita znova pripravila dogodek s podpisom, tokrat ob predstavitvi nove kolekcije Spirit of Africa. O vzorcih, poslikavah in običajih najstarejšega kontinenta, po katerem se navdihuje FREYWILLE, nam je nekaj zanimivosti ...
Come to the guide after an exceptional exhibition, where you will get to know chivalry in Slovenia up close. We will remove the veils of mystery that still cling to warriors in metal armor and get to know their culture, spirituality and life at home and on the battlefield. You will learn ways to…
As we are already used to, the program of the main animated film festival is very varied every year, with a special focus on Central and Eastern European productions. The ninth version is no exception. Along with the competition programs of short animated films, there will also be animated feature films, a retrospective Animation and Literature and...
Pod krovno temo Poveži se bomo na Semplu z mednarodno priznanimi gosti spoznali z dobrimi praksami komunikacijske panoge. Ta je vse bolj opredeljena s povezovanjem različnih programskih storitev in naprav (multimedia) ter povezovanjem tehnološkega in družbenega elementa komunikacijske panoge (transmedia). V osrednjem delu ...
After a year, we will once again witness an exclusive wedding fair, where we will be able to see new collections of wedding dresses and accessories for the bride and groom. In addition to the salon, various wedding providers will also present themselves. If we are planning a wedding in the future, they will prepare special benefits for us that we can...
This time we will meet lovers of Sinatra's evergreen hits such as Fly Me to the Moon, New York New York, The Lady Is A Tramp... The evening will be full of sophistication and excitement, which can be seen in the Mad Man series including selected drinks.. .
The month is approaching, when we will often find ourselves at an unannounced party or even be the hosts of an unplanned get-together. The event Natureta's cocktail party represents a relaxed form of socializing, where we will learn how to prepare thirty for the eyes from ten Natureta products while tasting Dveri-Pax wines...