Najboljši sosed vabi: Sodelujete pri soustvarjanju novega oglasa
Vključite domišljijo in izvirnost ter se pri tem zabavajte – Najboljšim nagrade
Med 10. in 30. oktobrom poteka nagradni natečaj Koraki, ki so ga v Mercatorju pripravili z željo, da v oblikovanje ...
Koncert skupin Alice Blue (modern rock) in Hulahoop (pop/blues/funk) v Orto ...
We invite you to discover the secrets of photography together with the photographer Tina Robba, learn that MORE so that you will be proud to show your photos to your friends next time. Course program: - Beginnings and history of photography - Playing with exposure (screen, time, ISO setting, ...
Nepozabna čarovniška zabava za staro in mlado, na Starem gradu Celje, 31.10.2012 med 17.00 in 23.00 uro.
Letos drugič bo Stari grad Celje zaživel v duhu čarovnic in čarovniških mitov. K obisku bo vabil čarovniški tabor pod platanami (poslikava obrazov, čarobni napitki …), ...
"Think Green" is a concept for events that will take place at different locations with different guests and different electronic music - House, Tech House, Progressive, ...
Cabaret like you've never experienced before! You will hear and see: the best songs from the world's treasury of musicals in fresh guises of modern clowning. Three virtuosos: singer Anja Strajnar, performer Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva and...
Lovers of Japanese delicacies, we are richer for another restaurant. The first Japanese restaurant, Miyabi, was opened in the Styrian capital, where we can explore the magical world of Japanese cuisine in an elegant atmosphere. The word Miyabi in modern Japanese means elegance, refinement or politeness, ...