Nadežda Tokareva, violina Alexandra Verbitskaya, harfa
Solistka Moskovske Državne Akademske filharmonije in lauvreatka mednarodnih tekmovanj Nadežda Tokareva se je rodila v mestu Penza v Rusiji. Koncertira po vsej Rusiji in v več kot tridesetih državah po svetu (Evropa, Japonska, Koreja, Amerika ...) ter ...
Lev Pupis, soprano saxophone Oskar Laznik, alto saxophone Primož Fleischman, tenor saxophone Dejan Prešiček, baritone saxophone In its ten years of operation, the quartet 4saxess has formed into an important chamber ensemble in the Slovenian musical circle, and at the same time it also has many guest appearances in .. .
Osrednji Koncertni abonma v novi sezoni prinaša nastope uspešnih umetnikov z bogatimi koncertnimi izkušnjami na najuglednejših domačih in svetovnih odrih. Dvanajsta sezona koncertnega cikla GM oder gosti izbrane mlade slovenske glasbenike, ki vas bodo prepričali s svojo muzikalnostjo in ...
Doživite Stari grad Celje v vsej njegovi mogočnosti in ga spoznajte tudi skozi pripoved. Ob svetovnem dnevu turizma, 27.9.2012 med 9.00 in 20.00 brezplačen celodnevni vstop na Stari grad Celje, ter ob 17.00 in 18.00 brezplačno javno vodstvo z lokalnim ...
On Thursday, September 13 at 8:00 p.m., the opening of the project HR-STAMENOV: Water, Suppositions and Urbanism will be held in the Celje Art Gallery, which presents the Bulgarian artist HR-Stamenov (1981, Plovdiv). The project, which the artist designed especially for the exhibition space of the Celje Art Salon, was created during...
During the summer, the best parties take place on the coast, by the sea. Even if it's autumn, we don't give up, because ...
In the months of September and October, free trial lessons of Argentine tango are available in Ljubljana. Come and see for yourself that tango is a dance that connects, allows you to meet new people, makes you laugh, relaxes and gives you plenty of self-confidence! Dates of free classes: every Wednesday from 19:00 to 20:00, from September 12, 2012 onwards. CONTACT: ...
Composer & Pianist & Singer: NaTaša Vester Trseglav Special guests: KEVIN G DAVY - trumpet (Finlay Quaye, Lamb, Adam F, Phil Collins....), TRKAJ, Vocal Group Galline, Andreja Geržina - soprano, Klemen Torkar - tenor Enos Kugler - drums, Sebastijan Podlesnik - bass, Janez ...
WE believe that things change if you look at them from another perspective.
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