Every first Sunday of the month, we reveal glimpses of the Historical and Art Collection exhibition. This time the focus will be on the time of Ivan Hribar's mayorship and the Ljubljana bourgeoisie between 1861 and 1918. Led by dr. Maja Lozar Štamcar. In the last decades of the 19th century, the Slovenian bourgeoisie became economically and...
Saturday / 22.9.2012 / 10 p.m. ROZA SOBOTA – Season Opening big floor: Alex CvetkovTom MakerDavid Fresh small floor: DJ ŽakMatjažvizualizacije: ETC Trajna The new season of Pink Saturday is starting, so be ready! Is waiting for you ...
Friday / 21.9.2012 / 23h Digital Dungeon: CONCORD DAWNDoes CONCORD DAWN really need an introduction? Since 2000, the New Zealanders have been creating breakthroughs and hits, collaborating with the giants of the genre and collecting music awards! But unfortunately, the duo is no longer a duo, so we ...
Thursday / 20.09.2012 / 21:00 LOW START OF THE CLUB MARATHON We solemnly open the new concert season at the K4 Club with as many as four performers of this year's Radio Študent Club Marathon! The club marathon is a concert tour created twelve years ago in the burning...
Sreda / 19.9.2012 / 23h FOOTWERKDomača ekipa ghetto bass zanesenjakov se to jesen pripravlja na premierni zagon sub-soničnega obrata, ki bo tresel rebrne kletke, samodejno premikal stopala in garantirano spotil plesišče. Destinacija: Back to the future, ass to the past! Gorivo: ...
Friday / 14.9.2012 / 11 pm BREAKTHROUGH: Ben UFO Breakthrough into the new season of Club K4 takes a fresh start with the most hyped DJ of the British club scene! Firmly rooted in the dubstep and grime tradition, BEN UFO has gained a reputation as a notorious vinyl spinner capable of...
Fotomaraton razlaga že ime samo, saj gre za mešanico tekmovanja, celo športa, in ustvarjalne žilice. Tovrstno tekmovanje bo pri nas potekalo prvič. Pravila so preprosta: 12 ur, 12 tematik, 12 fotografij in eno mesto! Nekaj dodatne razlage ni odveč: vsak od tekmovalcev mora v danem času posneti določeno ...
Manjši gledališki festival z imenom velikega dramatika je že lani presenetil s programom, letos pa se zdi še bogatejši. V naslednjih šestih dneh lahko vidimo impro predstavo, groteskno dramo, otroško in ulično predstavo, stand up nastope in zaključni koncert Tomaža Pengova. Za vabilo ...
After a one-year hiatus, the 19th Primorski summer festival was presented at the end of August with a high-quality program of three productions, which at least partially excuses the absence of the previous summer. Since the warm rays of the summer festival will accompany us until the middle of the month, it is worth watching Ionesco's drama in the translation of Srečko...
Festival uprizoritvenih umetnosti so organizatorji letos zastavili v duhu novih ali starih vrednot. V ozadju najverjetneje leži prepričanje, da oder tudi danes ostaja prostor (družbenega) premisleka. Kakršnokoli ozadje že, rezultat je desetdnevno srečanje številnih gledaliških mojstrov, umetniških ...
Dan za modne navdušence, ljubitelje lepote in ... čevljev! Modni hiši Emporium in Galeria