Za vse plesalce in tiste, ki bi radi svoje plesno znanje izboljšali se bo v sredini avgusta v Kočevju dogajal plesni kamp modernih tekmovalnih plesov, kjer nas bodo naučili novih gibov, trikov in elementov. Plesne delavnice so organizirane na dveh stopnjah in so primerne tako za začetnike kot za ...
Polmaraton na Vrbskem jezeru vsako leto v avgustu privabi množico tekačev, več kot 7000 se jih odpravi na ta športni vikend. A športno tekmovanje je le eden izmed dogodkov, tudi za spremljevalce pripravljajo vrsto ...
A mountain bike camp will be held in Kranjska gora, with an emphasis on the adrenaline part of mountain biking in the bike park. The camp will take place under the auspices of teachers with a mountain biking license. For girls, the camp will take place between 17.8 and 19.8, for seniors between 24.8. and 26.8 and between 7.9. and 9.9., and for juniors between 28.8. and...
LTO Kranjska Gora is organizing a group cycling event as part of the Cycling Without Borders event in cooperation with Tarvisio and Arnoldstein. The group start will be at 10:30 in front of the Kompas Hotel in Kranjska Gora. At the end, there will be a social gathering in Tarvisio, and participation is ...
The traditional 5th Bela Krajina Triathlon will take place at the Primostek campsite this year. The race takes place in the beautiful surroundings of Bela Krajina with swimming in the Kolpa River, running around the campsite and cycling along the surrounding ...
In 2012, the Slovenian Cyclists movement has been successfully expanding the ranks of cyclists for the 12th year. This year, as many as 69 events will take place as part of the event, join one of them. For example, on August 5th, the 9th Šmarje Cycling ...
The twelve-kilometer route around Lake Bohinj, which has no major climbs, is intended for all recreational runners. After the run, participants and fans can enjoy entertainment, as the Kresna festival takes place in Bohinj on the same day ...
Recreational cycling along the marked cycling path across Pohorje is about 75 kilometers long and runs from the info center on Bolfenek to Šumik, the hut on Klopni vrh, the hut on Pesek, on to Grmovškov dom in Kope, past the Kopnik farm to the hut on Kremžarjevo...
As part of the municipal holiday, the Beltinci Sports Association organizes a sports event where you can cycle, rollerblade or walk through the villages of the Beltinci municipality. Hikers and cyclists can enjoy 28 kilometers of track, and those with rollerblades 23...
The Mountain Runners Club is the organizer of an extreme mountain run on Grintovec starting at the home in Kamniška Bistrica. The race is included in the Cup of Slovenia in mountain running as a national uphill championship. It is a run of extremes, as adults have to overcome 1,975 meters of altitude...
Hulahoop will perform at Kamfest, a traditional festival with a view, on August 13 at 8:30 p.m. The band of two girls and two boys will present new original material on the main stage, and they are also preparing a special surprise (hint: come to...