The Festival of Young Cultures brings together the production of unconventional and more or less independent cultural and artistic practices, and consists of concerts, graffiti, dance, music and multimedia workshops. We will not be surprised by theatrical events, street art, exhibitions, installations and various ...
The festival is one of the most important jazz events in Slovenia, and its recognition abroad is increasing year by year. At the thirteenth festival, we will be able to enjoy a diverse musical program: a presentation of young Slovenian jazz bands on Monday and Tuesday, a closing concert and an award ceremony on Wednesday with ...
The International Puppet Festival will be remembered for its richest program ever. The performances offer spectacular and magical puppet performances that explore the world of children's imagination, while also attracting ...
The Living Legends project is being upgraded in the form of a multimedia exhibition. Photographs of various personalities by photographers Matjaž Tančič and Marko Kumer-Murč will be exhibited. More about the life paths of the legends will also be available from the exhibited personal ...
The project begins with the presentation of installations that enable the experience of the environment through smells, textures, sounds and shapes. This is followed by a two-month varied program that will primarily attract those with special needs.
Po dveh spektakularnih dogodkih v ribiški vasici Petrčane, se SunceBeat festival seli na novo lokacijo na dalmatinski obali, v romantično vasico Tisno. Klubsko zabavo v Barbarelli in zabavo pod zvezdami bodo začinili dogodki na ladji Argonaughty, ki bo plula mimo Kornatov proti idiličnemu sončnemu zahodu. Zabavala nas bodo ...
Kreativni tabor Sajeta letos ponuja širok nabor glasbenih dogodkov, kreativnih delavnic, predavanj, razstav in projekcij. Na glasbenem odru bodo nastopili Arhai, The Homesweepers, DuBzilla in ...
Hrvaški glasbeni festival Hartera, ki poteka v prostorih nekdanje tovarne papirja v Reki, bo letos donel ob zvokih GusGus, Asian Dub Foundation, prihaja legendarni francoski trojec LBS na čelu z Laurentom Garnierjem, Darkwood Dub, Rambo Amadeusom ter mnogi ...
The central summer festival of Ljubljana grows with each year in its rich program. It unites virtually all artistic phenomena under its umbrella: from opera, exhibitions and concerts to film. The number of events that deserve our visit is almost endless: the opera Black Masks, the musical Jesus Christ Superstar, ...
Tudi tokrat bomo imeli priložnost videti, slišati in čutiti edinstven festival z izborom najrazličnejših prireditev, od koncertov rock in klasične glasbe, gledaliških predstav in folklornih prireditev, kabaret nastopov, do predstav in ustvarjalnih delavnic za ...
Vsako leto bogatejši festival stare glasbe je unikaten v svetovnem pomenu. Na glasbene užitke ter najlepše koncerte stare glasbe z vrhunskimi umetniki z vsega sveta se lahko do najlepših kulturnih spomenikov Slovenije pripeljemo tudi s festivalskim ...