The thousand-year-old Solkan near Nova Gorica is a crossroads between the violent urbanism of Nova Gorica and the beautiful valley of the turquoise Soča. The history of the country villa dates back to the second half of the 18th century. Today, there is a hotel in it, named after the nearby Sabotin hill, which is probably known to most of the people mainly by the characteristic inscription Naš Tito, which again...
Urban spot
Until recently, we met Boštjan Pavlij, the creative manager and owner of Harfa restaurant, in some other restaurant, but today he spreads his culinary art "on his own" - in a new, barely a year old restaurant. It took a little time and Harfa already has its regular customers who...
Ljubljana is a very specific European city. The capital is surrounded and surrounded by nature, and the Grm restaurant is at the intersection of concrete and green extremes. The pleasant natural environment, proximity to the city center and excellent cuisine are good reasons to entertain business partners right here. This part of Ljubljana is...
The Slovenian catering industry certainly pays too little attention to ethical cuisine, which does not contain dishes of animal origin, and therefore every new vegetarian restaurant is a welcome boost. this year we got a colorfully furnished vegetarian acquisition in the form of the govinda's restaurant in lower šiška in ljubljana. chain...
Winter time, the time of short days and long coats, cold weather and hot drinks, skiing and... enjoying the warm sun in the Goriška Brdy. We prefer to go towards Golem Brdo, where in the steep slopes we find the Breg tourist farm, declared the most beautiful Slovenian tourist farm in 2005. In ...
Warmth is a very relative matter, but it warms us all a little when we remember the good old days of our common homeland. Maribor invites us to the true nostalgic cuisine of our former homeland. Since Slovenians do not know how to prepare the true taste of the nostalgic Balkans, the main players in the preparation of the dishes are kitchen masters from Sarajevo and...
The Spanish temperament is considered to be hot, so on cold days we go to the Spanish restaurant Ole in Maribor. The recently renovated premises invite us. When we round it all off with Spanish-inspired food, even the cold winter won't bother us anymore. The Spanish know small dishes or tapas, which in...
Italian films demand an Italian culinary party after watching them, which can be best done in the Maribor Colosseum, because after watching the film, you won't even have to leave the building and you'll already be in Samsara - a restaurant with an Italian touch. The food is typically Italian, featuring a mix of influences...
Celje ponuja zanimivo kombinacijo kina in hrane, saj bomo film pogledali v nakupovalnem središču, če pa ne bo dovolj napet, se bomo sprehodili do sosednjega citycentra, kjer nam bodo "podkurili" v barvitem mehiškem imperiju z barvito hrano. vendar hrana ne le da izgleda lepo, tudi zelo okusna je, še posebej, če ...
Kinodvor je spet odprl svoja vrata. Po polemikah, ki so spremljale to slovensko ustanovo drugačnega filma, bomo lahko primanjkljaj kakovostne kinematografije intenzivno nadomeščali na Kolodvorski ulici. Naporni filmi so naporni tudi za želodec in usta, ampak takoj čez cesto je pivnica ...
On the Castle Square in Žužemberk, just 50 meters from the Žužemberk Castle, we will find a cozy inn, where we prepare hot breakfasts, lunches and a wide selection of pizzas from the bread oven every day. We can also choose from à la carte dishes based on local cuisine. Every day will make us smell...
The Hotel Evropa in Celje boasts, after renovation, probably the best restaurant in Celje. Their period-decorated interior indicates just such an approach to food, which is ensured by the multi-awarded Marko Pavčnik, who leads his team of cooking virtuosos. Top waiters and an educated sommelier provide a unique...