Na Blejski grad se splača povzpeti, tudi če niste lačni. Skoraj do vrat se lahko pripeljete z avtom, vzdržljivejši pa naj jo mahnejo peš po divjih poteh nad jezerom. V tem primeru si boste morda celo zaželeli nekaj prigrizniti. V Restavraciji Grad prijazno ...
Urban spot
REST WHILE SHOPPING FOR FURNITURE In the Harvey Norman furniture center in Koper, the Stuff bar recently opened its doors. When we are honestly tired of looking at the wide range of furniture, accessories for the home or office, hi-tech devices... and we simply cannot decide which model...
fashion and smells Teas in the living room, the superpop fashion store stands out with its offer even on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana, where various bars are concentrated. you won't find two identical t-shirts in superpop, because unique clothes and fashion accessories for young people hang on hangers and dolls, ...
travel nautical literature with good coffee, the Geonautik bookstore and cafe in the center of Ljubljana attracts connoisseurs and lovers of off-the-beaten-path seas and travelers from all continents with its very name. the bookstore mainly offers tourist guides, nautical charts and other maritime literature, as well as car maps. ...
novelties of Chinese cuisine also for home After a long and exhausting day of shopping, when our thoughts are on the latest wardrobe, shoes, a new accessory for the home or simply still in the hustle and bustle of the city's shop windows, we feel comfortable relaxing with delicious food. one of the alternatives to fast-food diet is represented by Chinese...
Garage pizzeria is located along Dolenjska cesta in Ljubljana, where they offer a wide variety of pizzas, hot sandwiches and desserts. the garage should not be counted as one of many pizzerias, as it has a very special and unique atmosphere. the walls are full of car plates from all over the world, car parts, exhaust pipes, ...
Vegedrom, a slightly special restaurant, awaits us just right away from the hustle and bustle of Celovška Street in Ljubljana. in a relaxed atmosphere, a mixture of Slovenian homeliness and Indian decoration, we find a modern culinary offer that adheres to all the principles of a healthy diet. as the name of the restaurant suggests, in...
on the edge of ljubljana, at the exit from the highway for berzovica, we are tempted by the smell of freshly breaded chicken. that's when we know that we are near the local inn pr' kopač, which literally spoils its guests with proven Slovenian culinary delicacies. the inn stands right next to the road and has a large parking lot, ...
BAKALCA AND ŽLIKROFI FOR HUNGRY TRAVELERS If we drive along the valley from Idrija towards Cerkno, in Sp. We turn to Idrija over the bridge and uphill follow the sign for Gostilna Mlinar, which is famous for its game and sea fish, but don't miss their offer of home-made dishes, typical of the Idrija region. They like to turn to Mlinar...
Mushroom riches and top wines The wine shop at the Ljubljana Exhibition Center offers an extremely rich selection of top wines, especially local wines. because we know that the selected drop comes out more with good food, the kitchen in the wine shop also follows this trend. in the cellar of the jurček pavilion, mushrooms are offered all year round, from Wednesday...
Vse tisti, ki smo vajeni babičine kuhinje in vse tiste, ki iščem domačnost, v Kopru pričakuje Gostilna Miranda. Kar se ponudbe tiče, pri Mirandi skorajda ne moremo zgrešiti. Krožnik ponudbe sestavljajo hladne predjedi, kot so na primer riž, rezanci, njoki, špageti, fuži, ...
LET'S ENJOY A GLASS OF THE QUEEN OF WINE On the first floor of Celje's City Center, the Istenič sparkling wine and wine bar, similar to the one you can visit in Ljubljana's Citypark, was recently opened. In an interesting bar, you can learn a lot of interesting things by talking to the staff, Miha Istenič (pictured with the bar manager) explained to us, for example: ...