med mostišČarji in kartuzijanci z vrhnike na verd ni daleč, niti ne na prej do bistre, kjer je bil nekoč samostan, pozneje predelan v graščino. danes ima v delu kompleksa prostore tehniški muzej slovenije z znamenitimi titovimi avtomobili, zraven pa stoji stavba, kjer je bila nekoč kartuzija. tu je ...
Urban spot
TUSCAN CUISINE IN THE GORENJ MOUNTAINS From the beginning of December onwards, you can let yourself be pampered in a real Tuscan restaurant in Gorenjska, more precisely near Kranjska Gora. The classic à la carte catering offer has been expanded in the restaurant with special tasting menus (you can choose between meat or fish), which will...
Grad Otočec, obdan z zeleno Krko in bogatim parkom, je doživetje tudi za naključne sprehajalce. Kdor pa si dovoli pokukati za debele zidove, kjer pripravijo kosilo ali večerjo lačnim popotnikom tudi ob najbolj nenavadnih urah, bo deležen popolnega kulinaričnega razvajanja. Če se ...
Na Blejski grad se splača povzpeti, tudi če niste lačni. Skoraj do vrat se lahko pripeljete z avtom, vzdržljivejši pa naj jo mahnejo peš po divjih poteh nad jezerom. V tem primeru si boste morda celo zaželeli nekaj prigrizniti. V Restavraciji Grad prijazno ...
REST WHILE SHOPPING FOR FURNITURE In the Harvey Norman furniture center in Koper, the Stuff bar recently opened its doors. When we are honestly tired of looking at the wide range of furniture, accessories for the home or office, hi-tech devices... and we simply cannot decide which model...
fashion and smells Teas in the living room, the superpop fashion store stands out with its offer even on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana, where various bars are concentrated. you won't find two identical t-shirts in superpop, because unique clothes and fashion accessories for young people hang on hangers and dolls, ...
travel nautical literature with good coffee, the Geonautik bookstore and cafe in the center of Ljubljana attracts connoisseurs and lovers of off-the-beaten-path seas and travelers from all continents with its very name. the bookstore mainly offers tourist guides, nautical charts and other maritime literature, as well as car maps. ...
RIBJE DOBROTE POD GORJANCI Na poti od Krškega proti Kostanjevici na Krki zavijemo v vas Podbočje, ki leži pod vznožjem Gorjancev. Krko prečkamo po lesenem mostu in kmalu zagledamo veliko cerkev, malo naprej kamniti most čez potok Sušico in že smo pri turistični kmetiji Hribar. Lepo urejeno gostišče s ...
POSEDANJE NA OBREŽJU SAVINJE V skorajda idiličnem okolju na robu Celja, le streljaj od starega mestnega jedra, na letnem vrtu pri Jezu ponuja Sladki Toni osvežujoče sladice za vroče poletne dni. Vrt boste najlaže našli, če se sprehodite po med meščani priljubljeni sprehajalni poti ob Savinji, na tako imenovanem ...
For specialties from Žara or a game of paintball in the heart of the Kamnik Alps, not far from the swing for the big mountain, in the direction of the source of the Kamnik Bistrica, the guest house Kraljes Hrib is located. the fairy-tale valley with the "cottage on its own" attracts many visitors who want to spend wonderful moments in...
Za uživanje kraških dobrot v avtentičnem okolju stare kmečke hiše se odpravimo v Gostilno Šajna v Šepulje ali enostavneje na Domačijo, kot ji domači in gostje raje rečejo. S primorske avtoceste zavijemo proti Sežani, nadaljujemo po stari cesti proti Novi Gorici in v vasi Križ sledimo kažipotom za ...
"green" hotel in a green environment, on the edge of the Walburg field, next to Lake Zbilj, is the canoe hotel. the hotel offers a view not only of the nearby river Sava, the villages of Valburga and Smlednik, and the old castle of Smlednik with the calvary, but also of the central ridge of the Kamnik Alps, as well as the caravans and the Julian ...