Grad Otočec, obdan z zeleno Krko in bogatim parkom, je doživetje tudi za naključne sprehajalce. Kdor pa si dovoli pokukati za debele zidove, kjer pripravijo kosilo ali večerjo lačnim popotnikom tudi ob najbolj nenavadnih urah, bo deležen popolnega kulinaričnega razvajanja. Če se ...
Urban spot
Na Blejski grad se splača povzpeti, tudi če niste lačni. Skoraj do vrat se lahko pripeljete z avtom, vzdržljivejši pa naj jo mahnejo peš po divjih poteh nad jezerom. V tem primeru si boste morda celo zaželeli nekaj prigrizniti. V Restavraciji Grad prijazno ...
REST WHILE SHOPPING FOR FURNITURE In the Harvey Norman furniture center in Koper, the Stuff bar recently opened its doors. When we are honestly tired of looking at the wide range of furniture, accessories for the home or office, hi-tech devices... and we simply cannot decide which model...
fashion and smells Teas in the living room, the superpop fashion store stands out with its offer even on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana, where various bars are concentrated. you won't find two identical t-shirts in superpop, because unique clothes and fashion accessories for young people hang on hangers and dolls, ...
travel nautical literature with good coffee, the Geonautik bookstore and cafe in the center of Ljubljana attracts connoisseurs and lovers of off-the-beaten-path seas and travelers from all continents with its very name. the bookstore mainly offers tourist guides, nautical charts and other maritime literature, as well as car maps. ...
novelties of Chinese cuisine also for home After a long and exhausting day of shopping, when our thoughts are on the latest wardrobe, shoes, a new accessory for the home or simply still in the hustle and bustle of the city's shop windows, we feel comfortable relaxing with delicious food. one of the alternatives to fast-food diet is represented by Chinese...
Garage pizzeria is located along Dolenjska cesta in Ljubljana, where they offer a wide variety of pizzas, hot sandwiches and desserts. the garage should not be counted as one of many pizzerias, as it has a very special and unique atmosphere. the walls are full of car plates from all over the world, car parts, exhaust pipes, ...
"green" hotel in a green environment, on the edge of the Walburg field, next to Lake Zbilj, is the canoe hotel. the hotel offers a view not only of the nearby river Sava, the villages of Valburga and Smlednik, and the old castle of Smlednik with the calvary, but also of the central ridge of the Kamnik Alps, as well as the caravans and the Julian ...
Along the Jerusalem wine road to mushroom soup, the Jerusalem wine road offers a lot of gourmet luxury, especially in autumn, when the grapes begin to shyly blush in the sun. If we drive from Ormož in the direction of Ljutomer and turn towards Miklavž, we will soon see signposts on the wine road leading through Kaižar to the tourist...
FAST FOOD WITH TRADITION In Koper, behind the truck terminal, near the Port youth hotel and motel, Cityburger has been operating for more than six years. The owners can boast of several decades of experience in fast food, with names such as picopeka...
SLADKE IN VRAŽJE »KURJE FAFLE« V Hotelu Štorman v Celju, prav na robu starega jedra mesta in streljaj od avtobusne postaje, je urejen lokal, kjer se lahko na hitro, pa kljub temu zelo okusno, najeste tudi ob najbolj nemogočih urah, gredoč z zabave denimo. Zaradi lokacije je lokal gotovo zanimiv tako domačinom ...
Ob cesti proti kočevju, prav tam, kjer se dobro začne klanec proti turjaku, najdemo gostilno Čot. v družinski tradiciji treh generacij so si pridobili sloves odlične gostilne, ki jo okoliški dobrojedci zelo dobro poznajo, dober glas pa se je z leti razširil daleč na okoli. franci bolha z ženo dragico in svojo pridno ...