Creative souls hide in different, even different forms. This panda will steal your heart.
The development of technology has led to the creation of many artificial materials. At the same time, we have somewhat forgotten how many useful substances the Earth offers. Fortunately, there are still people among us who know how to take advantage of them.
The thought of wearing a replica of the originals is horrifying to some people. Those of you who don't think of throwing a dizzying amount of money on shoes that you don't even know if they are authentic and prefer to get replicas, you can now see the 'paradise' where the best quality approximations of the originals are made.
The perfect cup of coffee is a very subjective and personal thing, but to make your coffee even better, follow these proper preparation methods brought by scientists straight from the laboratory.
More than 2,000 sailboats will set sail at the traditional European regatta, which has been held in Trieste since 1969. From October 5 to 14, you will be able to sail or watch the spectacle.
Batman is real! If you don't believe me, watch the video of him driving his Batmobile through the streets of America and being pulled over by the police even though he hasn't committed any crime. Apparently, even the heroes can get sidetracked by the police.
The infernal heat that planet Earth is facing right now is not just an innocent scorching sun, but has left many consequences in the world. A satellite image launched by Nasa shows that the situation is not the best.
Life is not just as we 'Westerners' know it, it can be significantly greener, more sustainable and simpler. The drone captured a rare glimpse into a way of life that most people find unimaginable.
It must have happened to you that your phone battery has let you down. A portable charging unit is very useful, but it can happen quickly that you forget it at home. That's why special sneakers come to the rescue.
Envy is probably on the list of the worst 'diseases', because with such thoughts you poison people, the space around you and yourself. If you think someone else is living the perfect life and you're not, it's time to clear some things up with yourself. Above all, make these 5 changes.
We have already learned that tastes are not to be discussed. Not only between individuals, but also between different parts of the world and cultures, beauty is a relative thing. If looking at your reflection in the mirror has always convinced you that you belong among beautiful people, one thing is certain: it is a feeling that many people cannot capture. But here are tips on how.
Most parents cringe when they look at a child's drawing, because they don't understand how such a mess could have been created, but if you have a father with a wild imagination, the drawings move right into the real world.