With the rise in the number of drone users, there has been a competition to see who can take the best photo with the high-flying device. In their works of art, the authors try to capture scenes that are difficult to remain indifferent to.
Owners of Siamese fighting fish know how these colorful creatures adorn the aquariums of many homes with their mysterious personality. This Thai photographer captures this indescribable beauty so well in the photo that it seems as if the fish are painted on canvas.
Has your ego ever grown to the point where things got completely out of control? Each of us has probably experienced something similar, but these three astrological signs have the biggest egos of all.
If you've ever wondered how people with very poor vision see the world around them when they take off their glasses or lenses, you'll get a closer look at that view in these oil paintings.
Plumbing repair is certainly not an easy task, so it is crucial that we try to prevent any malfunctions. Otherwise, you will have to dig deep into your wallet.
The only thing you can control in life is yourself. You can control your decisions, behavior and reactions - but that's it. Solving other people's problems or analyzing every part of the conversation will wear you down over time. That's why you need to leave behind these 7 things you have no control over in life.
It's hard to find a person who wouldn't be at least a little bit pleased by a lunch break. After a few hours at work, a cup of coffee and some food is definitely in order. But what if the break usually goes by in the blink of an eye.
Everyone experiences smallness or greatness in their own way. But you will have to agree that these things or animals that you will see below have honestly misled us. In fact, they are monstrous!
Imagine that a photo from your album, which you are extremely ashamed of, goes around the world wide web. The feeling is definitely not the best. This has been experienced by many people who are known by almost every user of social networks today.
It is often difficult to recognize a person suffering from a mental disorder, as the range of such illnesses is very wide. We have collected seven of the most mysterious syndromes that prove how mysterious the human brain is.
In 2016, the mobile game Pokemon Go drove many people around the world crazy. The obsession with the game, which works on the principle of augmented reality and puts the user in the role of a Pokemon trainer, clearly has no end in sight.
We were just waiting for Instagram related services to start entering the market. If you have doubts about whether the person you correspond with on Instagram is real, contact the agency Vet Your Date before the stranger starts to make your life miserable.