Yesterday we celebrated a day specially dedicated to the most eternal dessert, ice cream. The traditional flavors are well known to our palates, but the question is how much they would like the taste of mayonnaise. Would you dare to eat such an ice cream?
Drones, which until recently were considered devices in the domain of professionals, are becoming more and more accessible to the general public. In recent years, their price has dropped significantly, and at the same time, visible progress in technology can also be detected.
If you haven't taken a break from hard work this year, it's definitely time to escape on vacation. It is worth noting that you still need to be careful when planning your vacation.
The colorfulness of our world is self-evident. The question is how many people actually know where the colors were created, how and which one was 'the first'.
You can never have too many swimsuits, but when they are this shiny, sexy and for every body shape, then the need for a new pair for the beach is justified.
Being comfortable in your own skin is a long-term project that requires learning about self-esteem. These Australian women of all shapes, sizes and shapes, with bodies covered in glitter, aim to disrupt society's constructs of beauty.
Gamers and loyal followers of Anglo-American pop culture know that San Diego Comic Con is the 'wet dream' of every fan of games, popular movies and comics. With their convincing and high-quality costumes, some participants kicked the visitors' butts, while others made them laugh more.
Mandalas are pictographic representations of the spiritual world and time. They can be found in all major Buddhist and Hindu temples around the world. In the article, first look at the picture of six possible mandalas and choose the one that attracts you the most. Under its number, you can then read what the mandala and its mysterious messages say about you.
People differ from each other in many ways, including the way they consume food and drink. For example, some people like to eat with their hands, while others always use utensils.
The age of 25 is a kind of turning point for many, when they realize that they have to slowly take matters into their own hands, start following their dreams, become independent and generally grow up. 8 unexpected things that happen to you after the age of 25 is a kind of list of all those events that your parents told you in your early 20s, but you didn't even believe that it could happen to you.
Last year's obsession with the inflatable pink flamingo also found its shape in the drink holder, which we could see in all the photos of our Instagram friends. This year, this pattern is just a good memory. You'll be on trend with these chipped pads.