Human evolution is a very long-term process. Homo sapiens first appeared about 200,000 years ago in Africa. Since then, the human species has developed many adaptations to make life easier.
Instagram is like a recipe book - create the craziest trends and you'll become even more popular. These trends have been so creative that we're not entirely sure if they're cool or crazy.
Do you sometimes feel that this century is simply not for you? Watching Jane Eyre and reading Pride and Prejudice gives you a strong sense of nostalgia and sometimes you find yourself daydreaming about a time when courtship was a thousand times more romantic than modern day flirting. In the article, you can check whether you are in the wrong time. If you answered yes to these questions, you were born in the wrong century.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if our favorite superheroes grew old and retired like every person in the world?
Each of us has experienced periods when it felt like our world was falling apart, but no matter how great the hardship, after the rain the sun always shines - such is the law of nature. When you feel like your life may no longer have meaning and things have become unbearable, remember that this too shall pass. What are the nagging feelings that your life is about to TURN UP?
It's no secret that beard lovers aren't usually keen on goatees. Only a few men, if they decide to grow facial hair, grow a beard of this shape.
Studies say that 92 percent of people do not achieve their goals. At the same time, we know many world-famous people who managed to become successful and recognizable. What is the secret of their success?
Living in a monotonous apartment can be boring, so these artists have created the most quirky, colorful and unusual apartment that also combines a studio and a gallery. Would you like to live in such a space?
Instead of looking for the perfect home, she created it. After three years of refurbishing an old bus, a mobile home was created in which you can live as if you were in an ordinary apartment... and it looks even better.
A person's narcissism manifests itself in different ways and in different forms. These ten forms of dangerous narcissism will help you determine whether a person belongs to this type of people.
You've probably heard of Kickstarter. The crowdfunding platform, which is dedicated to the development of new products, got its smaller brother – Quickstarter.
For some, the shoe number is just an orientation when buying new footwear, and a Scandinavian epistemologist used this strange research to find out what the number of your shoe says about the length of life.