Surely it has happened to you at some point that when you look at your friend's profile on a social network, you feel a bit of envy. This is completely normal, everyone probably wants to enjoy the beach more than going to work.
There are only a few who dare to say that they have enough money and that they honestly do not need more than they have. Although money is by no means the most important thing for personal happiness, a certain quality of life is a necessary prerequisite for achieving personal goals. In the article, you can read the list of 24 rules for success of the true legend of Wall Street, Richard Jenrett.
Virtualist is the first VR center in Slovenia. It offers visitors, regardless of age and experience, the opportunity to discover an unforgettable world of virtual reality at four VR stations. In Virtualist, they want to bring together in one place everyone who is involved in virtual reality in Slovenia and beyond, whether as an amateur or professionally. They have the latest VR technology and friendly staff who guide visitors through their first VR experiences.
Controversies about whether life after death exists are relevant even in the 21st century - the professional opinion on this phenomenon is divided, and cosmologist and physicist Carroll gives the following reasons why life after death is impossible.
The chain of fast food restaurants McDonald's has long fascinated a large number of people around the world. Its most recognizable hamburger, the Big Mac, is particularly popular. And what happened to the man who ate 30 thousand Big Macs in 48 years?
Artists, dancers, admirers interpret in different ways what this fascinating body language, which creates satisfaction in the human soul with every movement, means to each individual. With these photos of professional dancers, this American photographer shows that dance is much more than just art.
In the age of globalization and multiculturalism, knowing different languages is a blessing. Many studies have found that the best time to learn languages is in the very early years of life, but new research says it's never too late to become a polyglot.
Believe it or not, the key to the success of successful companies often lies in their names. A suitable and carefully chosen name can quickly make a good impression on consumers.
In the light of modern times, when we must constantly be mentally prepared for new daily tasks and life challenges, we often resort to searching for the key to greater, constantly present creativity. Scientists are discovering that just two colors on a computer screen can contribute to improving it.
Humans are divided into two types. Those who don't like flying and those who enjoy it. If you fall into the second group, we are offering you the opportunity of a lifetime.
Students listen and professors lecture. In school classrooms, students are in the role of those who draw knowledge from older, more experienced and wiser professors, but if you want to surprise them with how wise you are, present them with one of these 6 facts that probably even they don't know
Nature is full of surprises - some phenomena still do not have a clear scientific explanation, and their magnificence and awesomeness can only be experienced in all dimensions if you see them with your own eyes.