How much are you willing to pay for a furry friend? If you want a particular breed, then you should prepare to spend a large amount of money. But no matter what, the puppy will become an indispensable member of the family, which will make you happy for many years, and the wasted money will be forgotten when the furry puppy jumps into your arms for the first time. It is interesting and good to know how much the most expensive dog breeds in the world cost and why they are so valued.
Slovenia may be really small in terms of its size, but in the field of ecology it belongs to the very top of the world.
We like to make up for lack of sleep with coffee. But the latest research has shown when the caffeine in coffee just doesn't help us anymore.
Some people are really bored in life. Why else would you defy fate and risk your life with daring feats that don't really make sense. One of them is an unknown young man who goes by the nickname 8Booth and posts daring deep dives on YouTube and Instagram. His jump into the pool from the top of the building will make your blood run cold. Hero or fool?
Goodbye summer, hello autumn! On September 22 at 4:21 p.m., the astronomical or calendar autumn, which will last until December 21 (until the winter solstice, when it will be succeeded by winter). On the first day of autumn, day and night are of equal length. This astronomical phenomenon is called equinox or equinox. But you probably already know that, and in the following we will give you other interesting facts about autumn that you certainly didn't know!
If you do not intend to hang your sex toys on a big bell, then you will undoubtedly be impressed by these minimalist and discreet sex toys that can easily be hidden among our ordinary things. Here are discreet sex toys that impress with design and functionality.
Humans are visual creatures. Numbers tell us a lot, but they don't create the whole picture. We know the Titanic was huge, but how huge? If we express it in numbers, this means 269 meters. This brings us closer to the idea of his greatness. But if we say that it measures three football fields in length, we can imagine it all together even more easily. And in just such a plastic way, Kevin Wisbith helps us, placing the icons of our time in the space and helping us put them into perspective.
Sex with a new chosen one is different and special. Most people have pretty high expectations for first time sex, but as it usually turns out, they're always set too high. Brilliant illustrations by Victor Rosas II. and Amelie B. humorously show us the differences between expectations and reality. Life is not a romantic movie!
Trainsurfing or train surfing used to be an extreme sport that was, of course, against the law. It experienced its greatest popularity in the 1980s in Germany. Fortunately, the dangerous sports phenomenon was forgotten for a while, but in recent times it has driven Russian teenagers crazy, and young men riding trains on the roof have become a common sight, especially in Moscow. One of them is Alex Nomernoy. You just have to see these clips. We got sweaty hands during the tour, and you will too!
Lightning is a fascinating natural phenomenon, which we only enjoy if we are somewhere safe, otherwise we are more often than not (justifiably) afraid of it. Wondering what the longest and longest-lasting lightning flash in history was? Scientists of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) came to the answer with the help of modern meteorological devices. Can you guess how long the longest flash of lightning measured?
Boys and girls are biologically extremely different. In addition, the ways of their upbringing and establishment of identity are extremely different; therefore, it is not surprising that they also perceive relationships in a different way. Many times, various conflicts arise only because of different ideas, experiences and expectations. While we girls sometimes feel extremely attentive and think that we give guys everything they need, they have different needs that we sometimes don't even think about. Tips for Girls: How to Build a Good Relationship with Your Boyfriend can help you build bridges across the chasms of misunderstanding each other.
It's the same with the Nessie monster as it is with UFOs. Most photos of them are blurry, even today, despite the great cameras we have, so they should be taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, they diligently feed our imagination about the possibility of the existence of aliens. It is similar to the monster from the Scottish Loch Ness lake, which is otherwise considered a fictional creature and, along with Bigfoot and the Yeti, is one of the most famous enigmas in the field of cryptozoology, that is, the biological science of the existence of animal species that has not yet been proven. But now we may have the first solid proof that Nessie is not a myth. Is this photo proof that Nessie the sea monster really exists?