COS, the fashion brand that lives under the same roof as H&M (except in a penthouse), joined forces with Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto to present a new collection at the Milan fashion show. COS x Sou Fujimoto is a combination that did not disappoint.
When we think of a water park, we conjure up images of families with children enjoying rides on slides and splashing in the pool. But a trio of professional skaters (Alex Sorgente, Milton Martinez and Jan Hoffman) had different plans for the water park in Dubai...
The popcorn helmet, the ultimate accessory for moviegoers, is the work of Simone Giertz, a brilliant young inventor from Sweden who already has a number of unusual inventions to her credit (such as a lipstick robot). She created the Popcorn Machine Helmet together with Adam Savage, a former Mythbuster.
An older brother is often a kind of backup father who is good to have around in case of various problems. Well, unless they're the Cabot and Barrett brothers from the clip, who gave their sister Millicent Phillips a fair go when she was under the influence of powerful drugs for wisdom tooth extraction. Together with their mother, they staged a zombie apocalypse, and the sister, under the influence of narcosis, easily took the bait.
We all know what a bike is like. We all dare to claim that we can at least roughly draw it, even those who are not talented at drawing. After all, we only need to draw the frame, add handlebars, seat and wheels. It seems like an easy task, but as it turns out, it is far from the case. Velocipedia is the project of Bologna-based designer Ginaluce Gimini, who asked friends, family and strangers to draw a bicycle from memory on a piece of paper, then turned the designs into professionally drawn concepts.
Humans have strange fetishes, but we usually carefully hide them between the four walls. But not comedian Scott Rogowsky, who embarked on a social experiment on the subway. He furnished the books with fake covers with bizarre titles such as How to Hold a Fart and Mein Kampf (My Struggle) for children, which clearly raised eyebrows and provoked laughter among people. You simply have to see the reactions of these people!
Knocking down dominoes can be a real art. In the warehouse of electronics company Aaron's Inc, however, things were handled a little differently. They did not set a record in knocking down classic dominoes, but in the category of yogi dominoes with people. Years ago, a British mattress company came up with a similar project, when 41 employees made a living domino with mattresses, setting the first record, but at Aaron's Inc, they far exceeded that number.
Sweden has become the first country in the world with its own phone number and is urging everyone to call it sometime. And who will answer on the other end of the line? Anyone who dials the number of this Scandinavian country will be connected to a random citizen of Sweden, the telephone ambassador of Sweden, who is ready to chat with you about anything.
How to deal with a psychopathic boss? Probably no one is surprised by the fact that people who suffer from psychopathy and are not capable of empathy, despite this (or perhaps precisely because of it) are often found in leadership positions. Many successful people, such as leading politicians, genius surgeons and indispensable managers, are labeled as psychopaths. There is therefore a certain possibility for an ordinary person to meet a psychopathic superior at his workplace. How to react in such a case?
The cute Cookie Monster and Apple recently filmed a joint ad for the iPhone 6 smartphone, and now the company from Cupertino has revealed the background from the filming of the video with the Sesame Street hero. The video also includes scenes that didn't make it into the Timer ad, including bloopers that will make you laugh out loud.
Do you know why it is good to play computer games? Most people believe that learning is more short-term and more successful when the student is also having fun. And what is more fun than computer games? It is true that excessive playing of computer games can have negative consequences, but moderate use can have many great effects for the player. Perhaps surprisingly, but supported by scientific evidence, computer games increase brain capacity and keep mental functions vital. How do computer games succeed where many teachers fail?
Slovenian Dominik Starašinič - Sky, an extreme athlete and self-taught stuntman, shocked again. He climbed the highest chimney in Europe without safety gear, i.e. the 360-meter chimney above Trbovlje, and transformed himself into a human flag with a gymnastic figure. The whole thing was also caught on camera.