Babies are the cutest thing in the world and there are moments when being a parent is the best thing in life. But not every moment with newborns is pleasant, as they are known for the fact that they like to release a lot of bodily fluids from all possible corners, wake up in the middle of the night, cry endlessly, burst with energy when it's time to sleep, and the like. But words alone cannot describe what it means to be a parent for the first 12 months. That's why we found 26 photos that perfectly sum up life with a baby.
Victoria's Secret Angels in men's edition? Yes please! Every year, the men of this world eagerly await the time when Victoria's angels will walk the catwalk. This fashion show features only the most beautiful models in the world, who are (somehow!) all in great shape and parade down the catwalk in nothing but sexy underwear. Finally, the women also come into their own - there was a fashion show where the mannequins also showed themselves in all their glory, dressed only in fashionable underwear.
When the word is applied to dogs, we usually talk about cute four-legged friends, and in the Californian city of Petaluma, where every year there is a competition for the ugliest dog in the world, it would be difficult to attribute such a quality to dogs. Nevertheless, it is a flattering title, not a "golden raspberry" among dog awards. This year, the ribbon for the officially ugliest dog in the world went to Quasi Modo, a mix between a pit bull and a shepherd. In addition to this sleepy dog, which resembles a hyena due to its curved back, which dogs made it to the shortlist for the ugliest dog in the world, check below.
Sometimes we hear or read something that seems unreal or imaginary. And although many things unfortunately often turn out to be fiction, below we offer you 12 surprising facts that are somehow true - even if you might not think so at first glance.
Very successful people also have their habits to thank for their success, but if many can be an inspiration to us, there are also some that are downright bizarre. We can certainly classify some eating habits. Did you know that Nicolas Cage refuses to eat pork because pigs don't have decent sex? Or that Steve Jobs ate only carrots for so long that his skin turned orange? Check out other bizarre eating habits of highly successful people.
Instagram hot guys who look like food is the latest female obsession. The series Hot Dudes And Food is full of photographic "duos", which consist of photos of a hot guy and food, which in one way or another resemble the guy. Imagine that you saw a bad guy, and then you realize that his hairstyle resembles a slice of pizza. The Hot Dudes And Food series from Instagram is full of similar coincidences. Girls, get your drools ready!
If, between October 16 and 18, 2015, you came across a group of budding young photographers who, instead of the usual subjects, decided to photograph the "destruction" left behind by young people's night drinking, and you wondered what on the garbage so attractive, let's say that it was the Drink differently project, a unique photography workshop where young people in the company of the world-famous photographer Cheryl Dunn documented how young people have fun and recorded the traces left by excessive drinking. A selection of works by potential new Cheryl Dunn will be on display in the Photo Gallery from November 25 to December 5, 2015.
Are you a regular? Do you like order and cleanliness? Then we believe that sometimes these personality traits seem like a curse. Piles of untidy clothes, mess everywhere you look, unwashed dishes in the sink, an empty roll of toilet paper on the holder, ... for many this is a normal living environment, but for the "slaves" of order and cleanliness it is a nightmare from which they cannot wake up. Do things like this get on your nerves too? Then you will roll your eyes at the following scenes.
We have for you the 10 most interesting facts about fashion that you definitely don't know yet. Fashion experts are really experts in their field, as they will easily give you a lot of information that we, average people, often find very interesting. For example, did you know that the average American woman will spend as much as $125,000 on clothes in her lifetime? Well, we certainly didn't. Or that the average person has 7 pairs of jeans in their closet?
The highest paid YouTube stars of 2015 can be compared with the biggest stars of show business with their amounts. YouTube's biggest names make millions. And while YouTube is a veritable breeding ground for people experiencing their five minutes of fame, and even more of them failing to rise above the vast ocean of Internet anonymity, YouTube also has regular stars. Today, we are no longer only talking about film, music and sports stars, but also YouTube stars who make a real fortune with their video storage channel. Check out who are the top earners on YouTube in 2015.
The place we live in affects our health - different locations and their characteristics have different effects on us. Some are good, some are negative - but they all have an effect on us. That is why the choice of the location of the home or apartment is so important - not only for social life or economic status, but also for our health.
Every minute we have the opportunity to learn something new. And Factoclock's informative online clock offers you exactly that. Every minute it serves up a new interesting fact that you probably didn't know before, and thus makes sure that you go to bed richer for new knowledge every day.