This autumn, let's try a simple recipe for a light and delicious Italian ricotta and blueberry cake, which will quickly disappear from the plates...
The versatile peanut butter can be used for many things. From spread to dressing, it also has an amazing all-round nutritional profile. This time we will treat ourselves to delicious snacks from it, more precisely delicious peanut cubes. An exquisite pastry can be prepared in a few minutes and without baking, yet it will not stand behind baked sweets in terms of taste and appearance. Finger licking good, we tell you!
Hot chocolate, the ultimate autumn sin, right?! When the autumn air is a little cooler and when we come home cold in the now dark evenings, we often want to drink something warm to warm up. We have quite a few options to choose from: tea, cocoa, mulled wine or, say, hot chocolate.
Autumn was always the time when our grandmothers' kitchens smelled of delicious delicacies, among which was the intoxicating smell of apple pie. Since apples are abundant in autumn, it is high time to learn how to make sweet apple pie yourself. Here's a simple recipe for an apple pie like our grandmothers used to bake...
Autumn spoils us with warm colors and delicious fruits that just melt in the mouth. In addition to sweet chestnuts and crisp apples, one of our favorite autumn-colored fruits is the delicious pumpkin, from which we can easily prepare delicious soups, colorful risottos and, ultimately, exceptional desserts. Here is a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe that you simply must try…
Autumn is full of pleasant moments in brightly colored nature and warm cuisine. Try this wonderful recipe for an incredibly tasty chestnut soup and surprise your loved ones...
Since Italian cuisine is not only famous for pasta and ice cream, this time we present you a recipe for the popular Italian chestnut cake "castagnaccio"; this also convinces those who adhere to a strict vegan or gluten-free diet.
In addition to the traditional apple pie, one of the most popular autumn desserts is the pear pie. Check out the recipe for a delicious dessert according to our grandmothers' recipe...
A heavenly white fluffy center, caught between two sinful dark brown chocolate pads... This is not a dream, this is a whoopie pie, a cookie or a cake, when biting into which sweet tooths have been exclaiming: "Whoopie!" for decades. Although the three-tiered cookie can be mistaken for a macaron at first glance, the appearance is the only thing that unites the sweet vice.
Potato gnocchi with chanterelles and cherry tomatoes is a wonderful autumn dish that is served on colder evenings and delights every guest. Here is a recipe for a gourmet Italian dish, which is a real harmony of flavors with delicious mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and delicate cream...
"Life is short, let's go for a beer," reads the slogan of the fall culinary festival Pivo & Burger Fest, which we will take part in this time on October 17 and 18.
It will smell like snow, we will decorate the Christmas tree, put grandma's china on the table, light candles and enjoy festive delicacies in good company. The cooking academy will also add its own. We will prepare some festive dishes that you can serve to your guests in December. No doubt they will be licking their fingers.