If you are one of those who sit for hours and hours at the computer in the office, then you definitely experience pain in your spine and neck, which is the result of improper sitting or incorrect postures that we only realize when it's too late. Therefore, consider Ergo, an accessory with which you will achieve a more upright posture when sitting.
Unbelievable! American scientists have grown a tiny human heart on a spinach leaf, which opens up new dimensions in medicine in the regeneration of human tissues.
Now you have no more reason to procrastinate - the running season is here! It's time to wake up from hibernation, set new running goals and build on last year's results. Be innovative this season and spice up your running training. Be spontaneous, turn off the beaten path - discover new paths and feel the freedom offered by the smell of the forest. Pleasant spring temperatures and longer days are just calling us to get out into nature and abandon the boring running routes. Make it a time to play, relax and gather new energy!
Undoubtedly, one of the cruelest tricks that life has in store for us is that the tastiest food is usually the most fattening and the one that can make us sick. But a recent survey revealed some shocking statistics about one of man's favorite vices – cheese.
Our sun is already pleasantly warm and it's time to slowly shed heavy layers of clothing, as well as heavy make-up and dark colors. Let's see which 6 beauty trends will reign this spring according to Pinterest. Here are the hottest spring beauty trends of 2017.
Are you fed up with fatigue, worry and discomfort due to poor digestion and bloating? Do you agree that you need a new impetus and that more attention should be paid to your well-being? Psst, we have something for you! It's brand new, fresh, hot! It's love at first sight. Everyone who answers a simple prize question correctly will compete for a 20-day Tummy Tea Tox program or 2 x Tummy Tea Tox tea mixes. Ready? Now!
You want to know what beauty tricks the future Queen of England Kate Middleton uses. At the cosmetics and beauty fair Love beauty, there will be a beautician who is a regular guest of the royal family and takes care of the perfect appearance of the skin of many other celebrities, such as Victoria Beckam, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr. and Dannii Minogue, showed care with her natural cosmetics line that took the celebrity world by storm. Surely you will too! Come to the cosmetics and beauty fair Love Beauty 2017, which will host top foreign and Slovenian beauty experts. Take part in the prize draw and with a bit of luck you can get a ticket for free!
Once they were attributed to the lower class, girls were ashamed of them, until recently they hid them behind powder, but today freckles are a beauty trend that has driven the world crazy. More specifically, temporary tattooing of freckles.
The Slovenian company Sensilab, in cooperation with Klemno Bunderla, successfully concluded a 30-day group detoxification project with the 30 DAYS Liver Detox program. According to the manufacturer, 30 DAYS Liver Detox provided 24-hour intensive liver detoxification with the help of natural extracts and cleansed the liver in just 30 days.
Lolita is a real internet sensation these days. Like Khoudia Diop, she attracted attention on the one hand for her extremely dark complexion, and on the other for her striking resemblance to a Barbie doll. Followers on Instagram quickly nicknamed her the black Barbie, but she herself calls herself the black Hannah Montana.
Having trouble falling asleep? Can't seem to calm down? Then the Somnox pillow is exactly what you need. Somnox breathes. He inhales and exhales just like a human. All you have to do is hug him and he will lull you to sleep with his calm breathing.
We don't eat 'junk' food or sweets and we exercise regularly... but the extra kilos still don't melt away. What are we doing wrong? In fact, most people do not realize that it is the morning habits that prevent us from losing those few extra pounds. So what are we doing wrong?