Amalfijska obala
Warmer temperatures prompt many to plan their next vacation. If you are looking for a destination that offers the perfect combination of natural beauty, rich culture and luxury, we recommend the Amalfi Coast. This stunning coastline along the Tyrrhenian Sea in southern Italy is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its picturesque towns, medieval architecture and crystal clear waters.
Azurna obala
The Cote d'Azur, also known as the French Riviera, is famous for its stunning beaches and crystal clear sea, all of which is spiced up by the glamor and prestige of its cities. The region in the south-east of France, along the Mediterranean coast, is a popular holiday destination for the cream of Europe's stars.
City break v aprilu
April is a time of renewal, when the cold of winter disappears and the warmth of spring takes its place. Travelers looking to make the most of this wonderful season will love the following five destinations that offer the perfect mix of pleasant weather and exciting attractions. Let's see where to go on a city break in April.

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